Error starting SAMBA
David McKenna
2010-10-23 18:07:54 UTC
I just migrated my eCS SAMBA server machine (version 3.3.13) to eCS 2.0 GA.
Everything seemed to go fine (I had to remove NetBIOS over TCP/IP), but now
when I try to start SAMBA server I get this error:

124 +++ Call PRLoadFuncs;
REX0043: Error 43 running C:\programs\samba\smb.cmd, line 124: Routine not
23 +++ Call _LoadOtherFuncs;

This looks like a REXX error... can anyone give me a clue what this means?
Is something missing?

Everything else on this machine seems to work as it did before the


Dave McKenna
David McKenna
2010-10-23 21:32:36 UTC
Post by David McKenna
I just migrated my eCS SAMBA server machine (version 3.3.13) to eCS 2.0 GA.
Everything seemed to go fine (I had to remove NetBIOS over TCP/IP), but now
124 +++ Call PRLoadFuncs;
REX0043: Error 43 running C:\programs\samba\smb.cmd, line 124: Routine not
23 +++ Call _LoadOtherFuncs;
This looks like a REXX error... can anyone give me a clue what this means?
Is something missing?
Never mind... I determined that the migration does not migrate libraries
from \ecs\dll or \os2\dll - those directories are backed up in a \Previous
directory, then deleted. I manually copied the needed libraries from
\Previous back to their original directories and now everything works...

Dave McKenna
