No connection with eCS 2.0 GA
2010-06-03 03:53:33 UTC
Since installing eCS 2.0 GA I have been unable to connect to resources
on a Linux Samba server (3.5.2). I stress that I had no difficulties
with the same Samba server and eCS 2.0 Silver.

If I use the evfs gui, I get an error message indicating a parameter
problem (The Parameter is incorrect) I have no idea of what parameter.
The Samba server log states:

check_ntlm_password: Authentication for user [ECS_USER]->[ECS_USER]

In this case the user I logged on as is root.

If I use the sample rexx script, modified for my system I get:

Creating drive w: rc= 65
Creating mountj point w:\ rc=65
Mounting resource...rc = 65

(the above return codes may vary)

The Samba server log indicates the same error status.

If I try to use IBM requester for a domain log on I get: The logon was
unsuccessful. The Linux Samba server states:

check_ntlm_password: Authentication for user [ROOT]->[ROOT] FAILED with

The password is correct.

This is not the only problem I have had with the GA release. Indeed from
my perspective, it is a disaster.
Herwig Bauernfeind
2010-06-04 08:25:40 UTC
Post by Paul
Since installing eCS 2.0 GA I have been unable to connect to resources
on a Linux Samba server (3.5.2). I stress that I had no difficulties
with the same Samba server and eCS 2.0 Silver.
If I use the evfs gui, I get an error message indicating a parameter
problem (The Parameter is incorrect) I have no idea of what parameter.
check_ntlm_password: Authentication for user [ECS_USER]->[ECS_USER]
Well, that says it all. You tried to log in as ECS_USER and this user
does not exist on the Samba server....
Post by Paul
In this case the user I logged on as is root.
I don't think so.
Post by Paul
If I use the sample rexx script,
Please check whether you removed the MEMLEN, LOGFILE and LOGLEVEL tokens
from the script. These are deprecated with the latest ndpsmb.dll 1.5.0,
which comes with eCS 2.0.
EVFSGUI removes these automatically, however if you use your own script....
Post by Paul
If I try to use IBM requester for a domain log on I get: The logon was
check_ntlm_password: Authentication for user [ROOT]->[ROOT] FAILED
The password is correct.
Most likely the client sendfs a plain password while the server expects
an encrypted one.

Kind regards,
2010-06-04 21:34:44 UTC
Post by Herwig Bauernfeind
Post by Paul
Since installing eCS 2.0 GA I have been unable to connect to resources
on a Linux Samba server (3.5.2). I stress that I had no difficulties
with the same Samba server and eCS 2.0 Silver.
If I use the evfs gui, I get an error message indicating a parameter
problem (The Parameter is incorrect) I have no idea of what parameter.
check_ntlm_password: Authentication for user [ECS_USER]->[ECS_USER]
Well, that says it all. You tried to log in as ECS_USER and this user
does not exist on the Samba server....
Post by Paul
In this case the user I logged on as is root.
I don't think so.
Post by Paul
If I use the sample rexx script,
Please check whether you removed the MEMLEN, LOGFILE and LOGLEVEL tokens
from the script. These are deprecated with the latest ndpsmb.dll 1.5.0,
which comes with eCS 2.0.
EVFSGUI removes these automatically, however if you use your own script....
Post by Paul
If I try to use IBM requester for a domain log on I get: The logon was
check_ntlm_password: Authentication for user [ROOT]->[ROOT] FAILED
The password is correct.
Most likely the client sendfs a plain password while the server expects
an encrypted one.
Kind regards,
Whatever you make THINK, I tried to log on as root. The last time I
looked it up root is spelled R O O T not E C S _ U S E R. Perhaps I am
wrong about the spelling.

But, whatever is happening, on the client side I am typing root, that is
R O O T. The server side seems to be getting ECS_USER.

I care neither two hits nor a flying kart whether you think so or not.
You are not looking at what is typed in the script, I am. So unless
there has been some major change in how the user ID is to be placed in
the script, denying that I doing what I am actually doing is both not
helpful and insulting.

It may be that Requester is sending plain text. The server indeed is
setup for encrypted passwords. I will try to modify that and see what
happens. However, that server has been setup for encrypted passwords for
years and has worked with all versions of OS/2 and eCS right up to the
so-called silver beta. It does not work for the alleged Golden release.
Herwig Bauernfeind
2010-06-05 08:46:50 UTC
Post by Paul
I care neither two hits nor a flying kart whether you think so or not.
Well, as it is rather pointless then to continue from here. Have fun
solving your problems alone.

2010-06-05 11:46:31 UTC
Post by Herwig Bauernfeind
Post by Paul
I care neither two hits nor a flying kart whether you think so or not.
Well, as it is rather pointless then to continue from here. Have fun
solving your problems alone.
Yes, I realized it was pointless when I got your response. Once my
subscription is up, the will be one less eCS user.
