EVFSGUI 2.0.2 problem
Pete Brown
2010-02-10 00:21:48 UTC

There seems to be a problem with the current EVFSgui beta - 25th. Jan.
2010 (? date is definitely wrong by my calender) Client part 3 Client
GUI (EVFSGUI) 2.0.2 Plugin 1.5 beta4 ZIP Setup and manage connections .

Having installed it I tried to run it - bad mistake as the system hung
totally requiring several Ctrl-Alt-Del presses to reboot.

On rebooting I had a look in popuplog.os2 - looks like there is a
problem with EVFSgui.exe as it creates multiple entries in popuplog.os2,
relevant section below.



popuplog.os2 entries related to this system crash:-


02-10-2010 00:00:23 SYS3170 PID 009f TID 0001 Slot 00aa
EAX=17cc0040 EBX=17cc0040 ECX=0270f798 EDX=00000020
ESI=00000028 EDI=17cc0040
DS=0053 DSACC=f0f3 DSLIM=ffffffff
ES=0053 ESACC=f0f3 ESLIM=ffffffff
FS=150b FSACC=00f3 FSLIM=00000030
GS=0000 GSACC=**** GSLIM=********
CS:EIP=005b:1e313ace CSACC=f0df CSLIM=ffffffff
SS:ESP=0053:0270f760 SSACC=f0f3 SSLIM=ffffffff
EBP=0270f7ac FLG=00010202

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02-10-2010 00:00:23 SYS3175 PID 009f TID 0001 Slot 00aa
P1=00000001 P2=17cc0044 P3=XXXXXXXX P4=XXXXXXXX
EAX=17cc0040 EBX=17cc0040 ECX=0005eb34 EDX=00000020
ESI=00000028 EDI=17cc0040
DS=0053 DSACC=f0f3 DSLIM=ffffffff
ES=0053 ESACC=f0f3 ESLIM=ffffffff
FS=150b FSACC=00f3 FSLIM=00000030
GS=0000 GSACC=**** GSLIM=********
CS:EIP=005b:1e313ace CSACC=f0df CSLIM=ffffffff
SS:ESP=0053:0270f1ac SSACC=f0f3 SSLIM=ffffffff
EBP=0270f1f0 FLG=00010202

REXXAPI.DLL 0001:00003ace


02-10-2010 00:00:23 SYS3170 PID 009f TID 0001 Slot 00aa
EAX=17cc0040 EBX=17cc0040 ECX=0270f384 EDX=00000020
ESI=00000028 EDI=17cc0040
DS=0053 DSACC=f0f3 DSLIM=ffffffff
ES=0053 ESACC=f0f3 ESLIM=ffffffff
FS=150b FSACC=00f3 FSLIM=00000030
GS=0000 GSACC=**** GSLIM=********
CS:EIP=005b:1e313ace CSACC=f0df CSLIM=ffffffff
SS:ESP=0053:0270ebf8 SSACC=f0f3 SSLIM=ffffffff
EBP=0270ec3c FLG=00010202

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02-10-2010 00:00:23 SYS3170 PID 009f TID 0001 Slot 00aa
EAX=17cc0040 EBX=17cc0040 ECX=0270edd0 EDX=00000020
ESI=00000028 EDI=17cc0040
DS=0053 DSACC=f0f3 DSLIM=ffffffff
ES=0053 ESACC=f0f3 ESLIM=ffffffff
FS=150b FSACC=00f3 FSLIM=00000030
GS=0000 GSACC=**** GSLIM=********
CS:EIP=005b:1e313ace CSACC=f0df CSLIM=ffffffff
SS:ESP=0053:0270e644 SSACC=f0f3 SSLIM=ffffffff
EBP=0270e688 FLG=00010202

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02-10-2010 00:00:23 SYS3170 PID 009f TID 0001 Slot 00aa
EAX=17cc0040 EBX=17cc0040 ECX=0270e81c EDX=00000020
ESI=00000028 EDI=17cc0040
DS=0053 DSACC=f0f3 DSLIM=ffffffff
ES=0053 ESACC=f0f3 ESLIM=ffffffff
FS=150b FSACC=00f3 FSLIM=00000030
GS=0000 GSACC=**** GSLIM=********
CS:EIP=005b:1e313ace CSACC=f0df CSLIM=ffffffff
SS:ESP=0053:0270e090 SSACC=f0f3 SSLIM=ffffffff
EBP=0270e0d4 FLG=00010202

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02-10-2010 00:00:23 SYS3170 PID 009f TID 0001 Slot 00aa
EAX=17cc0040 EBX=17cc0040 ECX=0270e268 EDX=00000020
ESI=00000028 EDI=17cc0040
DS=0053 DSACC=f0f3 DSLIM=ffffffff
ES=0053 ESACC=f0f3 ESLIM=ffffffff
FS=150b FSACC=00f3 FSLIM=00000030
GS=0000 GSACC=**** GSLIM=********
CS:EIP=005b:1e313ace CSACC=f0df CSLIM=ffffffff
SS:ESP=0053:0270dadc SSACC=f0f3 SSLIM=ffffffff
EBP=0270db20 FLG=00010202

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02-10-2010 00:00:23 SYS3170 PID 009f TID 0001 Slot 00aa
EAX=17cc0040 EBX=17cc0040 ECX=0270dcb4 EDX=00000020
ESI=00000028 EDI=17cc0040
DS=0053 DSACC=f0f3 DSLIM=ffffffff
ES=0053 ESACC=f0f3 ESLIM=ffffffff
FS=150b FSACC=00f3 FSLIM=00000030
GS=0000 GSACC=**** GSLIM=********
CS:EIP=005b:1e313ace CSACC=f0df CSLIM=ffffffff
SS:ESP=0053:0270d528 SSACC=f0f3 SSLIM=ffffffff
EBP=0270d56c FLG=00010202

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02-10-2010 00:00:23 SYS3170 PID 009f TID 0001 Slot 00aa
EAX=17cc0040 EBX=17cc0040 ECX=0270d700 EDX=00000020
ESI=00000028 EDI=17cc0040
DS=0053 DSACC=f0f3 DSLIM=ffffffff
ES=0053 ESACC=f0f3 ESLIM=ffffffff
FS=150b FSACC=00f3 FSLIM=00000030
GS=0000 GSACC=**** GSLIM=********
CS:EIP=005b:1e313ace CSACC=f0df CSLIM=ffffffff
SS:ESP=0053:0270cf74 SSACC=f0f3 SSLIM=ffffffff
EBP=0270cfb8 FLG=00010202

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02-10-2010 00:00:23 SYS3170 PID 009f TID 0001 Slot 00aa
EAX=17cc0040 EBX=17cc0040 ECX=0270d14c EDX=00000020
ESI=00000028 EDI=17cc0040
DS=0053 DSACC=f0f3 DSLIM=ffffffff
ES=0053 ESACC=f0f3 ESLIM=ffffffff
FS=150b FSACC=00f3 FSLIM=00000030
GS=0000 GSACC=**** GSLIM=********
CS:EIP=005b:1e313ace CSACC=f0df CSLIM=ffffffff
SS:ESP=0053:0270c9c0 SSACC=f0f3 SSLIM=ffffffff
EBP=0270ca04 FLG=00010202

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02-10-2010 00:00:23 SYS3170 PID 009f TID 0001 Slot 00aa
EAX=17cc0040 EBX=17cc0040 ECX=0270cb98 EDX=00000020
ESI=00000028 EDI=17cc0040
DS=0053 DSACC=f0f3 DSLIM=ffffffff
ES=0053 ESACC=f0f3 ESLIM=ffffffff
FS=150b FSACC=00f3 FSLIM=00000030
GS=0000 GSACC=**** GSLIM=********
CS:EIP=005b:1e313ace CSACC=f0df CSLIM=ffffffff
SS:ESP=0053:0270c40c SSACC=f0f3 SSLIM=ffffffff
EBP=0270c450 FLG=00010202

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02-10-2010 00:00:23 SYS3170 PID 009f TID 0001 Slot 00aa
EAX=17cc0040 EBX=17cc0040 ECX=0270c5e4 EDX=00000020
ESI=00000028 EDI=17cc0040
DS=0053 DSACC=f0f3 DSLIM=ffffffff
ES=0053 ESACC=f0f3 ESLIM=ffffffff
FS=150b FSACC=00f3 FSLIM=00000030
GS=0000 GSACC=**** GSLIM=********
CS:EIP=005b:1e313ace CSACC=f0df CSLIM=ffffffff
SS:ESP=0053:0270be58 SSACC=f0f3 SSLIM=ffffffff
EBP=0270be9c FLG=00010202

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02-10-2010 00:00:23 SYS3170 PID 009f TID 0001 Slot 00aa
EAX=17cc0040 EBX=17cc0040 ECX=0270c030 EDX=00000020
ESI=00000028 EDI=17cc0040
DS=0053 DSACC=f0f3 DSLIM=ffffffff
ES=0053 ESACC=f0f3 ESLIM=ffffffff
FS=150b FSACC=00f3 FSLIM=00000030
GS=0000 GSACC=**** GSLIM=********
CS:EIP=005b:1e313ace CSACC=f0df CSLIM=ffffffff
SS:ESP=0053:0270b8a4 SSACC=f0f3 SSLIM=ffffffff
EBP=0270b8e8 FLG=00010202

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02-10-2010 00:00:23 SYS3170 PID 009f TID 0001 Slot 00aa
EAX=17cc0040 EBX=17cc0040 ECX=0270ba7c EDX=00000020
ESI=00000028 EDI=17cc0040
DS=0053 DSACC=f0f3 DSLIM=ffffffff
ES=0053 ESACC=f0f3 ESLIM=ffffffff
FS=150b FSACC=00f3 FSLIM=00000030
GS=0000 GSACC=**** GSLIM=********
CS:EIP=005b:1e313ace CSACC=f0df CSLIM=ffffffff
SS:ESP=0053:0270b2f0 SSACC=f0f3 SSLIM=ffffffff
EBP=0270b334 FLG=00010202

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02-10-2010 00:00:23 SYS3170 PID 009f TID 0001 Slot 00aa
EAX=17cc0040 EBX=17cc0040 ECX=0270b4c8 EDX=00000020
ESI=00000028 EDI=17cc0040
DS=0053 DSACC=f0f3 DSLIM=ffffffff
ES=0053 ESACC=f0f3 ESLIM=ffffffff
FS=150b FSACC=00f3 FSLIM=00000030
GS=0000 GSACC=**** GSLIM=********
CS:EIP=005b:1e313ace CSACC=f0df CSLIM=ffffffff
SS:ESP=0053:0270ad3c SSACC=f0f3 SSLIM=ffffffff
EBP=0270ad80 FLG=00010202

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02-10-2010 00:00:23 SYS3170 PID 009f TID 0001 Slot 00aa
EAX=17cc0040 EBX=17cc0040 ECX=0270af14 EDX=00000020
ESI=00000028 EDI=17cc0040
DS=0053 DSACC=f0f3 DSLIM=ffffffff
ES=0053 ESACC=f0f3 ESLIM=ffffffff
FS=150b FSACC=00f3 FSLIM=00000030
GS=0000 GSACC=**** GSLIM=********
CS:EIP=005b:1e313ace CSACC=f0df CSLIM=ffffffff
SS:ESP=0053:0270a788 SSACC=f0f3 SSLIM=ffffffff
EBP=0270a7cc FLG=00010202

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02-10-2010 00:00:23 SYS3170 PID 009f TID 0001 Slot 00aa
EAX=17cc0040 EBX=17cc0040 ECX=0270a960 EDX=00000020
ESI=00000028 EDI=17cc0040
DS=0053 DSACC=f0f3 DSLIM=ffffffff
ES=0053 ESACC=f0f3 ESLIM=ffffffff
FS=150b FSACC=00f3 FSLIM=00000030
GS=0000 GSACC=**** GSLIM=********
CS:EIP=005b:1e313ace CSACC=f0df CSLIM=ffffffff
SS:ESP=0053:0270a1d4 SSACC=f0f3 SSLIM=ffffffff
EBP=0270a218 FLG=00010202

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02-10-2010 00:00:23 SYS3170 PID 009f TID 0001 Slot 00aa
EAX=17cc0040 EBX=17cc0040 ECX=0270a3ac EDX=00000020
ESI=00000028 EDI=17cc0040
DS=0053 DSACC=f0f3 DSLIM=ffffffff
ES=0053 ESACC=f0f3 ESLIM=ffffffff
FS=150b FSACC=00f3 FSLIM=00000030
GS=0000 GSACC=**** GSLIM=********
CS:EIP=005b:1e313ace CSACC=f0df CSLIM=ffffffff
SS:ESP=0053:02709c20 SSACC=f0f3 SSLIM=ffffffff
EBP=02709c64 FLG=00010202

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02-10-2010 00:00:23 SYS3170 PID 009f TID 0001 Slot 00aa
EAX=17cc0040 EBX=17cc0040 ECX=02709df8 EDX=00000020
ESI=00000028 EDI=17cc0040
DS=0053 DSACC=f0f3 DSLIM=ffffffff
ES=0053 ESACC=f0f3 ESLIM=ffffffff
FS=150b FSACC=00f3 FSLIM=00000030
GS=0000 GSACC=**** GSLIM=********
CS:EIP=005b:1e313ace CSACC=f0df CSLIM=ffffffff
SS:ESP=0053:0270966c SSACC=f0f3 SSLIM=ffffffff
EBP=027096b0 FLG=00010202

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02-10-2010 00:00:23 SYS3170 PID 009f TID 0001 Slot 00aa
EAX=17cc0040 EBX=17cc0040 ECX=02709844 EDX=00000020
ESI=00000028 EDI=17cc0040
DS=0053 DSACC=f0f3 DSLIM=ffffffff
ES=0053 ESACC=f0f3 ESLIM=ffffffff
FS=150b FSACC=00f3 FSLIM=00000030
GS=0000 GSACC=**** GSLIM=********
CS:EIP=005b:1e313ace CSACC=f0df CSLIM=ffffffff
SS:ESP=0053:027090b8 SSACC=f0f3 SSLIM=ffffffff
EBP=027090fc FLG=00010202

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02-10-2010 00:00:23 SYS3170 PID 009f TID 0001 Slot 00aa
EAX=17cc0040 EBX=17cc0040 ECX=02709290 EDX=00000020
ESI=00000028 EDI=17cc0040
DS=0053 DSACC=f0f3 DSLIM=ffffffff
ES=0053 ESACC=f0f3 ESLIM=ffffffff
FS=150b FSACC=00f3 FSLIM=00000030
GS=0000 GSACC=**** GSLIM=********
CS:EIP=005b:1e313ace CSACC=f0df CSLIM=ffffffff
SS:ESP=0053:02708b04 SSACC=f0f3 SSLIM=ffffffff
EBP=02708b48 FLG=00010202

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02-10-2010 00:00:23 SYS3170 PID 009f TID 0001 Slot 00aa
EAX=17cc0040 EBX=17cc0040 ECX=02708cdc EDX=00000020
ESI=00000028 EDI=17cc0040
DS=0053 DSACC=f0f3 DSLIM=ffffffff
ES=0053 ESACC=f0f3 ESLIM=ffffffff
FS=150b FSACC=00f3 FSLIM=00000030
GS=0000 GSACC=**** GSLIM=********
CS:EIP=005b:1e313ace CSACC=f0df CSLIM=ffffffff
SS:ESP=0053:02708550 SSACC=f0f3 SSLIM=ffffffff
EBP=02708594 FLG=00010202

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02-10-2010 00:00:23 SYS3170 PID 009f TID 0001 Slot 00aa
EAX=17cc0040 EBX=17cc0040 ECX=02708728 EDX=00000020
ESI=00000028 EDI=17cc0040
DS=0053 DSACC=f0f3 DSLIM=ffffffff
ES=0053 ESACC=f0f3 ESLIM=ffffffff
FS=150b FSACC=00f3 FSLIM=00000030
GS=0000 GSACC=**** GSLIM=********
CS:EIP=005b:1e313ace CSACC=f0df CSLIM=ffffffff
SS:ESP=0053:02707f9c SSACC=f0f3 SSLIM=ffffffff
EBP=02707fe0 FLG=00010202

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02-10-2010 00:00:23 SYS3170 PID 009f TID 0001 Slot 00aa
EAX=17cc0040 EBX=17cc0040 ECX=02708174 EDX=00000020
ESI=00000028 EDI=17cc0040
DS=0053 DSACC=f0f3 DSLIM=ffffffff
ES=0053 ESACC=f0f3 ESLIM=ffffffff
FS=150b FSACC=00f3 FSLIM=00000030
GS=0000 GSACC=**** GSLIM=********
CS:EIP=005b:1e313ace CSACC=f0df CSLIM=ffffffff
SS:ESP=0053:027079e8 SSACC=f0f3 SSLIM=ffffffff
EBP=02707a2c FLG=00010202

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02-10-2010 00:00:23 SYS3170 PID 009f TID 0001 Slot 00aa
EAX=17cc0040 EBX=17cc0040 ECX=02707bc0 EDX=00000020
ESI=00000028 EDI=17cc0040
DS=0053 DSACC=f0f3 DSLIM=ffffffff
ES=0053 ESACC=f0f3 ESLIM=ffffffff
FS=150b FSACC=00f3 FSLIM=00000030
GS=0000 GSACC=**** GSLIM=********
CS:EIP=005b:1e313ace CSACC=f0df CSLIM=ffffffff
SS:ESP=0053:02707434 SSACC=f0f3 SSLIM=ffffffff
EBP=02707478 FLG=00010202

DOSCALL1.DLL 0002:00009e7d


02-10-2010 00:00:23 SYS3170 PID 009f TID 0001 Slot 00aa
EAX=17cc0040 EBX=17cc0040 ECX=0270760c EDX=00000020
ESI=00000028 EDI=17cc0040
DS=0053 DSACC=f0f3 DSLIM=ffffffff
ES=0053 ESACC=f0f3 ESLIM=ffffffff
FS=150b FSACC=00f3 FSLIM=00000030
GS=0000 GSACC=**** GSLIM=********
CS:EIP=005b:1e313ace CSACC=f0df CSLIM=ffffffff
SS:ESP=0053:02706e80 SSACC=f0f3 SSLIM=ffffffff
EBP=02706ec4 FLG=00010202

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02-10-2010 00:00:23 SYS3170 PID 009f TID 0001 Slot 00aa
EAX=17cc0040 EBX=17cc0040 ECX=02707058 EDX=00000020
ESI=00000028 EDI=17cc0040
DS=0053 DSACC=f0f3 DSLIM=ffffffff
ES=0053 ESACC=f0f3 ESLIM=ffffffff
FS=150b FSACC=00f3 FSLIM=00000030
GS=0000 GSACC=**** GSLIM=********
CS:EIP=005b:1e313ace CSACC=f0df CSLIM=ffffffff
SS:ESP=0053:027068cc SSACC=f0f3 SSLIM=ffffffff
EBP=02706910 FLG=00010202

DOSCALL1.DLL 0002:00009e7d


02-10-2010 00:00:23 SYS3170 PID 009f TID 0001 Slot 00aa
EAX=17cc0040 EBX=17cc0040 ECX=02706aa4 EDX=00000020
ESI=00000028 EDI=17cc0040
DS=0053 DSACC=f0f3 DSLIM=ffffffff
ES=0053 ESACC=f0f3 ESLIM=ffffffff
FS=150b FSACC=00f3 FSLIM=00000030
GS=0000 GSACC=**** GSLIM=********
CS:EIP=005b:1e313ace CSACC=f0df CSLIM=ffffffff
SS:ESP=0053:02706318 SSACC=f0f3 SSLIM=ffffffff
EBP=0270635c FLG=00010202

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02-10-2010 00:00:23 SYS3170 PID 009f TID 0001 Slot 00aa
EAX=17cc0040 EBX=17cc0040 ECX=027064f0 EDX=00000020
ESI=00000028 EDI=17cc0040
DS=0053 DSACC=f0f3 DSLIM=ffffffff
ES=0053 ESACC=f0f3 ESLIM=ffffffff
FS=150b FSACC=00f3 FSLIM=00000030
GS=0000 GSACC=**** GSLIM=********
CS:EIP=005b:1e313ace CSACC=f0df CSLIM=ffffffff
SS:ESP=0053:02705d64 SSACC=f0f3 SSLIM=ffffffff
EBP=02705da8 FLG=00010202

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02-10-2010 00:00:23 SYS3170 PID 009f TID 0001 Slot 00aa
EAX=17cc0040 EBX=17cc0040 ECX=02705f3c EDX=00000020
ESI=00000028 EDI=17cc0040
DS=0053 DSACC=f0f3 DSLIM=ffffffff
ES=0053 ESACC=f0f3 ESLIM=ffffffff
FS=150b FSACC=00f3 FSLIM=00000030
GS=0000 GSACC=**** GSLIM=********
CS:EIP=005b:1e313ace CSACC=f0df CSLIM=ffffffff
SS:ESP=0053:027057b0 SSACC=f0f3 SSLIM=ffffffff
EBP=027057f4 FLG=00010202

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02-10-2010 00:00:23 SYS3170 PID 009f TID 0001 Slot 00aa
EAX=17cc0040 EBX=17cc0040 ECX=02705988 EDX=00000020
ESI=00000028 EDI=17cc0040
DS=0053 DSACC=f0f3 DSLIM=ffffffff
ES=0053 ESACC=f0f3 ESLIM=ffffffff
FS=150b FSACC=00f3 FSLIM=00000030
GS=0000 GSACC=**** GSLIM=********
CS:EIP=005b:1e313ace CSACC=f0df CSLIM=ffffffff
SS:ESP=0053:027051fc SSACC=f0f3 SSLIM=ffffffff
EBP=02705240 FLG=00010202

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02-10-2010 00:00:23 SYS3170 PID 009f TID 0001 Slot 00aa
EAX=17cc0040 EBX=17cc0040 ECX=027053d4 EDX=00000020
ESI=00000028 EDI=17cc0040
DS=0053 DSACC=f0f3 DSLIM=ffffffff
ES=0053 ESACC=f0f3 ESLIM=ffffffff
FS=150b FSACC=00f3 FSLIM=00000030
GS=0000 GSACC=**** GSLIM=********
CS:EIP=005b:1e313ace CSACC=f0df CSLIM=ffffffff
SS:ESP=0053:02704c48 SSACC=f0f3 SSLIM=ffffffff
EBP=02704c8c FLG=00010202

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02-10-2010 00:00:23 SYS3170 PID 009f TID 0001 Slot 00aa
EAX=17cc0040 EBX=17cc0040 ECX=02704e20 EDX=00000020
ESI=00000028 EDI=17cc0040
DS=0053 DSACC=f0f3 DSLIM=ffffffff
ES=0053 ESACC=f0f3 ESLIM=ffffffff
FS=150b FSACC=00f3 FSLIM=00000030
GS=0000 GSACC=**** GSLIM=********
CS:EIP=005b:1e313ace CSACC=f0df CSLIM=ffffffff
SS:ESP=0053:02704694 SSACC=f0f3 SSLIM=ffffffff
EBP=027046d8 FLG=00010202

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02-10-2010 00:00:23 SYS3170 PID 009f TID 0001 Slot 00aa
EAX=17cc0040 EBX=17cc0040 ECX=0270486c EDX=00000020
ESI=00000028 EDI=17cc0040
DS=0053 DSACC=f0f3 DSLIM=ffffffff
ES=0053 ESACC=f0f3 ESLIM=ffffffff
FS=150b FSACC=00f3 FSLIM=00000030
GS=0000 GSACC=**** GSLIM=********
CS:EIP=005b:1e313ace CSACC=f0df CSLIM=ffffffff
SS:ESP=0053:027040e0 SSACC=f0f3 SSLIM=ffffffff
EBP=02704124 FLG=00010202

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02-10-2010 00:00:23 SYS3170 PID 009f TID 0001 Slot 00aa
EAX=17cc0040 EBX=17cc0040 ECX=027042b8 EDX=00000020
ESI=00000028 EDI=17cc0040
DS=0053 DSACC=f0f3 DSLIM=ffffffff
ES=0053 ESACC=f0f3 ESLIM=ffffffff
FS=150b FSACC=00f3 FSLIM=00000030
GS=0000 GSACC=**** GSLIM=********
CS:EIP=005b:1e313ace CSACC=f0df CSLIM=ffffffff
SS:ESP=0053:02703b2c SSACC=f0f3 SSLIM=ffffffff
EBP=02703b70 FLG=00010202

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02-10-2010 00:00:23 SYS3170 PID 009f TID 0001 Slot 00aa
EAX=17cc0040 EBX=17cc0040 ECX=02703d04 EDX=00000020
ESI=00000028 EDI=17cc0040
DS=0053 DSACC=f0f3 DSLIM=ffffffff
ES=0053 ESACC=f0f3 ESLIM=ffffffff
FS=150b FSACC=00f3 FSLIM=00000030
GS=0000 GSACC=**** GSLIM=********
CS:EIP=005b:1e313ace CSACC=f0df CSLIM=ffffffff
SS:ESP=0053:02703578 SSACC=f0f3 SSLIM=ffffffff
EBP=027035bc FLG=00010202

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02-10-2010 00:00:23 SYS3170 PID 009f TID 0001 Slot 00aa
EAX=17cc0040 EBX=17cc0040 ECX=02703750 EDX=00000020
ESI=00000028 EDI=17cc0040
DS=0053 DSACC=f0f3 DSLIM=ffffffff
ES=0053 ESACC=f0f3 ESLIM=ffffffff
FS=150b FSACC=00f3 FSLIM=00000030
GS=0000 GSACC=**** GSLIM=********
CS:EIP=005b:1e313ace CSACC=f0df CSLIM=ffffffff
SS:ESP=0053:02702fc4 SSACC=f0f3 SSLIM=ffffffff
EBP=02703008 FLG=00010202

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02-10-2010 00:00:23 SYS3170 PID 009f TID 0001 Slot 00aa
EAX=17cc0040 EBX=17cc0040 ECX=0270319c EDX=00000020
ESI=00000028 EDI=17cc0040
DS=0053 DSACC=f0f3 DSLIM=ffffffff
ES=0053 ESACC=f0f3 ESLIM=ffffffff
FS=150b FSACC=00f3 FSLIM=00000030
GS=0000 GSACC=**** GSLIM=********
CS:EIP=005b:1e313ace CSACC=f0df CSLIM=ffffffff
SS:ESP=0053:02702a10 SSACC=f0f3 SSLIM=ffffffff
EBP=02702a54 FLG=00010202

DOSCALL1.DLL 0002:00009e7d


02-10-2010 00:00:23 SYS3170 PID 009f TID 0001 Slot 00aa
EAX=17cc0040 EBX=17cc0040 ECX=02702be8 EDX=00000020
ESI=00000028 EDI=17cc0040
DS=0053 DSACC=f0f3 DSLIM=ffffffff
ES=0053 ESACC=f0f3 ESLIM=ffffffff
FS=150b FSACC=00f3 FSLIM=00000030
GS=0000 GSACC=**** GSLIM=********
CS:EIP=005b:1e313ace CSACC=f0df CSLIM=ffffffff
SS:ESP=0053:0270245c SSACC=f0f3 SSLIM=ffffffff
EBP=027024a0 FLG=00010202

DOSCALL1.DLL 0002:00009e7d


02-10-2010 00:00:23 SYS3170 PID 009f TID 0001 Slot 00aa
EAX=17cc0040 EBX=17cc0040 ECX=02702634 EDX=00000020
ESI=00000028 EDI=17cc0040
DS=0053 DSACC=f0f3 DSLIM=ffffffff
ES=0053 ESACC=f0f3 ESLIM=ffffffff
FS=150b FSACC=00f3 FSLIM=00000030
GS=0000 GSACC=**** GSLIM=********
CS:EIP=005b:1e313ace CSACC=f0df CSLIM=ffffffff
SS:ESP=0053:02701ea8 SSACC=f0f3 SSLIM=ffffffff
EBP=02701eec FLG=00010202

DOSCALL1.DLL 0002:00009e7d


02-10-2010 00:00:23 SYS3170 PID 009f TID 0001 Slot 00aa
EAX=17cc0040 EBX=17cc0040 ECX=02702080 EDX=00000020
ESI=00000028 EDI=17cc0040
DS=0053 DSACC=f0f3 DSLIM=ffffffff
ES=0053 ESACC=f0f3 ESLIM=ffffffff
FS=150b FSACC=00f3 FSLIM=00000030
GS=0000 GSACC=**** GSLIM=********
CS:EIP=005b:1e313ace CSACC=f0df CSLIM=ffffffff
SS:ESP=0053:027018f4 SSACC=f0f3 SSLIM=ffffffff
EBP=02701938 FLG=00010202

DOSCALL1.DLL 0002:00009e7d


02-10-2010 00:00:23 SYS3170 PID 009f TID 0001 Slot 00aa
EAX=17cc0040 EBX=17cc0040 ECX=02701acc EDX=00000020
ESI=00000028 EDI=17cc0040
DS=0053 DSACC=f0f3 DSLIM=ffffffff
ES=0053 ESACC=f0f3 ESLIM=ffffffff
FS=150b FSACC=00f3 FSLIM=00000030
GS=0000 GSACC=**** GSLIM=********
CS:EIP=005b:1e313ace CSACC=f0df CSLIM=ffffffff
SS:ESP=0053:02701340 SSACC=f0f3 SSLIM=ffffffff
EBP=02701384 FLG=00010202

DOSCALL1.DLL 0002:00009e7d


02-10-2010 00:00:23 SYS3170 PID 009f TID 0001 Slot 00aa
EAX=17cc0040 EBX=17cc0040 ECX=02701518 EDX=00000020
ESI=00000028 EDI=17cc0040
DS=0053 DSACC=f0f3 DSLIM=ffffffff
ES=0053 ESACC=f0f3 ESLIM=ffffffff
FS=150b FSACC=00f3 FSLIM=00000030
GS=0000 GSACC=**** GSLIM=********
CS:EIP=005b:1e313ace CSACC=f0df CSLIM=ffffffff
SS:ESP=0053:02700d8c SSACC=f0f3 SSLIM=ffffffff
EBP=02700dd0 FLG=00010202

DOSCALL1.DLL 0002:00009e7d


02-10-2010 00:00:23 SYS3170 PID 009f TID 0001 Slot 00aa
EAX=17cc0040 EBX=17cc0040 ECX=02700f64 EDX=00000020
ESI=00000028 EDI=17cc0040
DS=0053 DSACC=f0f3 DSLIM=ffffffff
ES=0053 ESACC=f0f3 ESLIM=ffffffff
FS=150b FSACC=00f3 FSLIM=00000030
GS=0000 GSACC=**** GSLIM=********
CS:EIP=005b:1e313ace CSACC=f0df CSLIM=ffffffff
SS:ESP=0053:027007d8 SSACC=f0f3 SSLIM=ffffffff
EBP=0270081c FLG=00010202

DOSCALL1.DLL 0002:00009e7d


02-10-2010 00:00:23 SYS3170 PID 009f TID 0001 Slot 00aa
EAX=17cc0040 EBX=17cc0040 ECX=027009b0 EDX=00000020
ESI=00000028 EDI=17cc0040
DS=0053 DSACC=f0f3 DSLIM=ffffffff
ES=0053 ESACC=f0f3 ESLIM=ffffffff
FS=150b FSACC=00f3 FSLIM=00000030
GS=0000 GSACC=**** GSLIM=********
CS:EIP=005b:1e313ace CSACC=f0df CSLIM=ffffffff
SS:ESP=0053:02700224 SSACC=f0f3 SSLIM=ffffffff
EBP=02700268 FLG=00010202

DOSCALL1.DLL 0002:00009e7d


02-10-2010 00:00:23 SYS3170 PID 009f TID 0001 Slot 00aa
EAX=17cc0040 EBX=17cc0040 ECX=027003fc EDX=00000020
ESI=00000028 EDI=17cc0040
DS=0053 DSACC=f0f3 DSLIM=ffffffff
ES=0053 ESACC=f0f3 ESLIM=ffffffff
FS=150b FSACC=00f3 FSLIM=00000030
GS=0000 GSACC=**** GSLIM=********
CS:EIP=005b:1e313ace CSACC=f0df CSLIM=ffffffff
SS:ESP=0053:026ffc70 SSACC=f0f3 SSLIM=ffffffff
EBP=026ffcb4 FLG=00010202

DOSCALL1.DLL 0002:00009e7d


02-10-2010 00:00:23 SYS3170 PID 009f TID 0001 Slot 00aa
EAX=17cc0040 EBX=17cc0040 ECX=026ffe48 EDX=00000020
ESI=00000028 EDI=17cc0040
DS=0053 DSACC=f0f3 DSLIM=ffffffff
ES=0053 ESACC=f0f3 ESLIM=ffffffff
FS=150b FSACC=00f3 FSLIM=00000030
GS=0000 GSACC=**** GSLIM=********
CS:EIP=005b:1e313ace CSACC=f0df CSLIM=ffffffff
SS:ESP=0053:026ff6bc SSACC=f0f3 SSLIM=ffffffff
EBP=026ff700 FLG=00010202

DOSCALL1.DLL 0002:00009e7d


02-10-2010 00:00:23 SYS3170 PID 009f TID 0001 Slot 00aa
EAX=17cc0040 EBX=17cc0040 ECX=026ff894 EDX=00000020
ESI=00000028 EDI=17cc0040
DS=0053 DSACC=f0f3 DSLIM=ffffffff
ES=0053 ESACC=f0f3 ESLIM=ffffffff
FS=150b FSACC=00f3 FSLIM=00000030
GS=0000 GSACC=**** GSLIM=********
CS:EIP=005b:1e313ace CSACC=f0df CSLIM=ffffffff
SS:ESP=0053:026ff108 SSACC=f0f3 SSLIM=ffffffff
EBP=026ff14c FLG=00010202

DOSCALL1.DLL 0002:00009e7d


02-10-2010 00:00:23 SYS3170 PID 009f TID 0001 Slot 00aa
EAX=17cc0040 EBX=17cc0040 ECX=026ff2e0 EDX=00000020
ESI=00000028 EDI=17cc0040
DS=0053 DSACC=f0f3 DSLIM=ffffffff
ES=0053 ESACC=f0f3 ESLIM=ffffffff
FS=150b FSACC=00f3 FSLIM=00000030
GS=0000 GSACC=**** GSLIM=********
CS:EIP=005b:1e313ace CSACC=f0df CSLIM=ffffffff
SS:ESP=0053:026feb54 SSACC=f0f3 SSLIM=ffffffff
EBP=026feb98 FLG=00010202

DOSCALL1.DLL 0002:00009e7d


02-10-2010 00:00:23 SYS3170 PID 009f TID 0001 Slot 00aa
EAX=17cc0040 EBX=17cc0040 ECX=026fed2c EDX=00000020
ESI=00000028 EDI=17cc0040
DS=0053 DSACC=f0f3 DSLIM=ffffffff
ES=0053 ESACC=f0f3 ESLIM=ffffffff
FS=150b FSACC=00f3 FSLIM=00000030
GS=0000 GSACC=**** GSLIM=********
CS:EIP=005b:1e313ace CSACC=f0df CSLIM=ffffffff
SS:ESP=0053:026fe5a0 SSACC=f0f3 SSLIM=ffffffff
EBP=026fe5e4 FLG=00010202

DOSCALL1.DLL 0002:00009e7d


02-10-2010 00:00:23 SYS3170 PID 009f TID 0001 Slot 00aa
EAX=17cc0040 EBX=17cc0040 ECX=026fe778 EDX=00000020
ESI=00000028 EDI=17cc0040
DS=0053 DSACC=f0f3 DSLIM=ffffffff
ES=0053 ESACC=f0f3 ESLIM=ffffffff
FS=150b FSACC=00f3 FSLIM=00000030
GS=0000 GSACC=**** GSLIM=********
CS:EIP=005b:1e313ace CSACC=f0df CSLIM=ffffffff
SS:ESP=0053:026fdfec SSACC=f0f3 SSLIM=ffffffff
EBP=026fe030 FLG=00010202

DOSCALL1.DLL 0002:00009e7d


02-10-2010 00:00:23 SYS3170 PID 009f TID 0001 Slot 00aa
EAX=17cc0040 EBX=17cc0040 ECX=026fe1c4 EDX=00000020
ESI=00000028 EDI=17cc0040
DS=0053 DSACC=f0f3 DSLIM=ffffffff
ES=0053 ESACC=f0f3 ESLIM=ffffffff
FS=150b FSACC=00f3 FSLIM=00000030
GS=0000 GSACC=**** GSLIM=********
CS:EIP=005b:1e313ace CSACC=f0df CSLIM=ffffffff
SS:ESP=0053:026fda38 SSACC=f0f3 SSLIM=ffffffff
EBP=026fda7c FLG=00010202

DOSCALL1.DLL 0002:00009e7d


02-10-2010 00:00:23 SYS3170 PID 009f TID 0001 Slot 00aa
EAX=17cc0040 EBX=17cc0040 ECX=026fdc10 EDX=00000020
ESI=00000028 EDI=17cc0040
DS=0053 DSACC=f0f3 DSLIM=ffffffff
ES=0053 ESACC=f0f3 ESLIM=ffffffff
FS=150b FSACC=00f3 FSLIM=00000030
GS=0000 GSACC=**** GSLIM=********
CS:EIP=005b:1e313ace CSACC=f0df CSLIM=ffffffff
SS:ESP=0053:026fd484 SSACC=f0f3 SSLIM=ffffffff
EBP=026fd4c8 FLG=00010202

DOSCALL1.DLL 0002:00009e7d


02-10-2010 00:00:23 SYS3170 PID 009f TID 0001 Slot 00aa
EAX=17cc0040 EBX=17cc0040 ECX=026fd65c EDX=00000020
ESI=00000028 EDI=17cc0040
DS=0053 DSACC=f0f3 DSLIM=ffffffff
ES=0053 ESACC=f0f3 ESLIM=ffffffff
FS=150b FSACC=00f3 FSLIM=00000030
GS=0000 GSACC=**** GSLIM=********
CS:EIP=005b:1e313ace CSACC=f0df CSLIM=ffffffff
SS:ESP=0053:026fced0 SSACC=f0f3 SSLIM=ffffffff
EBP=026fcf14 FLG=00010202

DOSCALL1.DLL 0002:00009e7d


02-10-2010 00:00:23 SYS3170 PID 009f TID 0001 Slot 00aa
EAX=17cc0040 EBX=17cc0040 ECX=026fd0a8 EDX=00000020
ESI=00000028 EDI=17cc0040
DS=0053 DSACC=f0f3 DSLIM=ffffffff
ES=0053 ESACC=f0f3 ESLIM=ffffffff
FS=150b FSACC=00f3 FSLIM=00000030
GS=0000 GSACC=**** GSLIM=********
CS:EIP=005b:1e313ace CSACC=f0df CSLIM=ffffffff
SS:ESP=0053:026fc91c SSACC=f0f3 SSLIM=ffffffff
EBP=026fc960 FLG=00010202

DOSCALL1.DLL 0002:00009e7d


02-10-2010 00:00:23 SYS3170 PID 009f TID 0001 Slot 00aa
EAX=17cc0040 EBX=17cc0040 ECX=026fcaf4 EDX=00000020
ESI=00000028 EDI=17cc0040
DS=0053 DSACC=f0f3 DSLIM=ffffffff
ES=0053 ESACC=f0f3 ESLIM=ffffffff
FS=150b FSACC=00f3 FSLIM=00000030
GS=0000 GSACC=**** GSLIM=********
CS:EIP=005b:1e313ace CSACC=f0df CSLIM=ffffffff
SS:ESP=0053:026fc368 SSACC=f0f3 SSLIM=ffffffff
EBP=026fc3ac FLG=00010202

DOSCALL1.DLL 0002:00009e7d


02-10-2010 00:00:23 SYS3170 PID 009f TID 0001 Slot 00aa
EAX=17cc0040 EBX=17cc0040 ECX=026fc540 EDX=00000020
ESI=00000028 EDI=17cc0040
DS=0053 DSACC=f0f3 DSLIM=ffffffff
ES=0053 ESACC=f0f3 ESLIM=ffffffff
FS=150b FSACC=00f3 FSLIM=00000030
GS=0000 GSACC=**** GSLIM=********
CS:EIP=005b:1e313ace CSACC=f0df CSLIM=ffffffff
SS:ESP=0053:026fbdb4 SSACC=f0f3 SSLIM=ffffffff
EBP=026fbdf8 FLG=00010202

DOSCALL1.DLL 0002:00009e7d


02-10-2010 00:00:23 SYS3170 PID 009f TID 0001 Slot 00aa
EAX=17cc0040 EBX=17cc0040 ECX=026fbf8c EDX=00000020
ESI=00000028 EDI=17cc0040
DS=0053 DSACC=f0f3 DSLIM=ffffffff
ES=0053 ESACC=f0f3 ESLIM=ffffffff
FS=150b FSACC=00f3 FSLIM=00000030
GS=0000 GSACC=**** GSLIM=********
CS:EIP=005b:1e313ace CSACC=f0df CSLIM=ffffffff
SS:ESP=0053:026fb800 SSACC=f0f3 SSLIM=ffffffff
EBP=026fb844 FLG=00010202

DOSCALL1.DLL 0002:00009e7d


02-10-2010 00:00:23 SYS3170 PID 009f TID 0001 Slot 00aa
EAX=17cc0040 EBX=17cc0040 ECX=026fb9d8 EDX=00000020
ESI=00000028 EDI=17cc0040
DS=0053 DSACC=f0f3 DSLIM=ffffffff
ES=0053 ESACC=f0f3 ESLIM=ffffffff
FS=150b FSACC=00f3 FSLIM=00000030
GS=0000 GSACC=**** GSLIM=********
CS:EIP=005b:1e313ace CSACC=f0df CSLIM=ffffffff
SS:ESP=0053:026fb24c SSACC=f0f3 SSLIM=ffffffff
EBP=026fb290 FLG=00010202

DOSCALL1.DLL 0002:00009e7d


02-10-2010 00:00:23 SYS3170 PID 009f TID 0001 Slot 00aa
EAX=17cc0040 EBX=17cc0040 ECX=026fb424 EDX=00000020
ESI=00000028 EDI=17cc0040
DS=0053 DSACC=f0f3 DSLIM=ffffffff
ES=0053 ESACC=f0f3 ESLIM=ffffffff
FS=150b FSACC=00f3 FSLIM=00000030
GS=0000 GSACC=**** GSLIM=********
CS:EIP=005b:1e313ace CSACC=f0df CSLIM=ffffffff
SS:ESP=0053:026fac98 SSACC=f0f3 SSLIM=ffffffff
EBP=026facdc FLG=00010202

DOSCALL1.DLL 0002:00009e7d


02-10-2010 00:00:23 SYS3170 PID 009f TID 0001 Slot 00aa
EAX=17cc0040 EBX=17cc0040 ECX=026fae70 EDX=00000020
ESI=00000028 EDI=17cc0040
DS=0053 DSACC=f0f3 DSLIM=ffffffff
ES=0053 ESACC=f0f3 ESLIM=ffffffff
FS=150b FSACC=00f3 FSLIM=00000030
GS=0000 GSACC=**** GSLIM=********
CS:EIP=005b:1e313ace CSACC=f0df CSLIM=ffffffff
SS:ESP=0053:026fa6e4 SSACC=f0f3 SSLIM=ffffffff
EBP=026fa728 FLG=00010202

DOSCALL1.DLL 0002:00009e7d


02-10-2010 00:00:23 SYS3170 PID 009f TID 0001 Slot 00aa
EAX=17cc0040 EBX=17cc0040 ECX=026fa8bc EDX=00000020
ESI=00000028 EDI=17cc0040
DS=0053 DSACC=f0f3 DSLIM=ffffffff
ES=0053 ESACC=f0f3 ESLIM=ffffffff
FS=150b FSACC=00f3 FSLIM=00000030
GS=0000 GSACC=**** GSLIM=********
CS:EIP=005b:1e313ace CSACC=f0df CSLIM=ffffffff
SS:ESP=0053:026fa130 SSACC=f0f3 SSLIM=ffffffff
EBP=026fa174 FLG=00010202

DOSCALL1.DLL 0002:00009e7d


02-10-2010 00:00:23 SYS3170 PID 009f TID 0001 Slot 00aa
EAX=17cc0040 EBX=17cc0040 ECX=026fa308 EDX=00000020
ESI=00000028 EDI=17cc0040
DS=0053 DSACC=f0f3 DSLIM=ffffffff
ES=0053 ESACC=f0f3 ESLIM=ffffffff
FS=150b FSACC=00f3 FSLIM=00000030
GS=0000 GSACC=**** GSLIM=********
CS:EIP=005b:1e313ace CSACC=f0df CSLIM=ffffffff
SS:ESP=0053:026f9b7c SSACC=f0f3 SSLIM=ffffffff
EBP=026f9bc0 FLG=00010202

DOSCALL1.DLL 0002:00009e7d


02-10-2010 00:00:23 SYS3170 PID 009f TID 0001 Slot 00aa
EAX=17cc0040 EBX=17cc0040 ECX=026f9d54 EDX=00000020
ESI=00000028 EDI=17cc0040
DS=0053 DSACC=f0f3 DSLIM=ffffffff
ES=0053 ESACC=f0f3 ESLIM=ffffffff
FS=150b FSACC=00f3 FSLIM=00000030
GS=0000 GSACC=**** GSLIM=********
CS:EIP=005b:1e313ace CSACC=f0df CSLIM=ffffffff
SS:ESP=0053:026f95c8 SSACC=f0f3 SSLIM=ffffffff
EBP=026f960c FLG=00010202

DOSCALL1.DLL 0002:00009e7d


02-10-2010 00:00:23 SYS3170 PID 009f TID 0001 Slot 00aa
EAX=17cc0040 EBX=17cc0040 ECX=026f97a0 EDX=00000020
ESI=00000028 EDI=17cc0040
DS=0053 DSACC=f0f3 DSLIM=ffffffff
ES=0053 ESACC=f0f3 ESLIM=ffffffff
FS=150b FSACC=00f3 FSLIM=00000030
GS=0000 GSACC=**** GSLIM=********
CS:EIP=005b:1e313ace CSACC=f0df CSLIM=ffffffff
SS:ESP=0053:026f9014 SSACC=f0f3 SSLIM=ffffffff
EBP=026f9058 FLG=00010202

DOSCALL1.DLL 0002:00009e7d


02-10-2010 00:00:23 SYS3170 PID 009f TID 0001 Slot 00aa
EAX=17cc0040 EBX=17cc0040 ECX=026f91ec EDX=00000020
ESI=00000028 EDI=17cc0040
DS=0053 DSACC=f0f3 DSLIM=ffffffff
ES=0053 ESACC=f0f3 ESLIM=ffffffff
FS=150b FSACC=00f3 FSLIM=00000030
GS=0000 GSACC=**** GSLIM=********
CS:EIP=005b:1e313ace CSACC=f0df CSLIM=ffffffff
SS:ESP=0053:026f8a60 SSACC=f0f3 SSLIM=ffffffff
EBP=026f8aa4 FLG=00010202

DOSCALL1.DLL 0002:00009e7d


02-10-2010 00:00:23 SYS3170 PID 009f TID 0001 Slot 00aa
EAX=17cc0040 EBX=17cc0040 ECX=026f8c38 EDX=00000020
ESI=00000028 EDI=17cc0040
DS=0053 DSACC=f0f3 DSLIM=ffffffff
ES=0053 ESACC=f0f3 ESLIM=ffffffff
FS=150b FSACC=00f3 FSLIM=00000030
GS=0000 GSACC=**** GSLIM=********
CS:EIP=005b:1e313ace CSACC=f0df CSLIM=ffffffff
SS:ESP=0053:026f84ac SSACC=f0f3 SSLIM=ffffffff
EBP=026f84f0 FLG=00010202

DOSCALL1.DLL 0002:00009e7d


02-10-2010 00:00:23 SYS3170 PID 009f TID 0001 Slot 00aa
EAX=17cc0040 EBX=17cc0040 ECX=026f8684 EDX=00000020
ESI=00000028 EDI=17cc0040
DS=0053 DSACC=f0f3 DSLIM=ffffffff
ES=0053 ESACC=f0f3 ESLIM=ffffffff
FS=150b FSACC=00f3 FSLIM=00000030
GS=0000 GSACC=**** GSLIM=********
CS:EIP=005b:1e313ace CSACC=f0df CSLIM=ffffffff
SS:ESP=0053:026f7ef8 SSACC=f0f3 SSLIM=ffffffff
EBP=026f7f3c FLG=00010202

DOSCALL1.DLL 0002:00009e7d


02-10-2010 00:00:23 SYS3170 PID 009f TID 0001 Slot 00aa
EAX=17cc0040 EBX=17cc0040 ECX=026f80d0 EDX=00000020
ESI=00000028 EDI=17cc0040
DS=0053 DSACC=f0f3 DSLIM=ffffffff
ES=0053 ESACC=f0f3 ESLIM=ffffffff
FS=150b FSACC=00f3 FSLIM=00000030
GS=0000 GSACC=**** GSLIM=********
CS:EIP=005b:1e313ace CSACC=f0df CSLIM=ffffffff
SS:ESP=0053:026f7944 SSACC=f0f3 SSLIM=ffffffff
EBP=026f7988 FLG=00010202

DOSCALL1.DLL 0002:00009e7d


02-10-2010 00:00:23 SYS3170 PID 009f TID 0001 Slot 00aa
EAX=17cc0040 EBX=17cc0040 ECX=026f7b1c EDX=00000020
ESI=00000028 EDI=17cc0040
DS=0053 DSACC=f0f3 DSLIM=ffffffff
ES=0053 ESACC=f0f3 ESLIM=ffffffff
FS=150b FSACC=00f3 FSLIM=00000030
GS=0000 GSACC=**** GSLIM=********
CS:EIP=005b:1e313ace CSACC=f0df CSLIM=ffffffff
SS:ESP=0053:026f7390 SSACC=f0f3 SSLIM=ffffffff
EBP=026f73d4 FLG=00010202

DOSCALL1.DLL 0002:00009e7d


02-10-2010 00:00:23 SYS3170 PID 009f TID 0001 Slot 00aa
EAX=17cc0040 EBX=17cc0040 ECX=026f7568 EDX=00000020
ESI=00000028 EDI=17cc0040
DS=0053 DSACC=f0f3 DSLIM=ffffffff
ES=0053 ESACC=f0f3 ESLIM=ffffffff
FS=150b FSACC=00f3 FSLIM=00000030
GS=0000 GSACC=**** GSLIM=********
CS:EIP=005b:1e313ace CSACC=f0df CSLIM=ffffffff
SS:ESP=0053:026f6ddc SSACC=f0f3 SSLIM=ffffffff
EBP=026f6e20 FLG=00010202

DOSCALL1.DLL 0002:00009e7d


02-10-2010 00:00:23 SYS3170 PID 009f TID 0001 Slot 00aa
EAX=17cc0040 EBX=17cc0040 ECX=026f6fb4 EDX=00000020
ESI=00000028 EDI=17cc0040
DS=0053 DSACC=f0f3 DSLIM=ffffffff
ES=0053 ESACC=f0f3 ESLIM=ffffffff
FS=150b FSACC=00f3 FSLIM=00000030
GS=0000 GSACC=**** GSLIM=********
CS:EIP=005b:1e313ace CSACC=f0df CSLIM=ffffffff
SS:ESP=0053:026f6828 SSACC=f0f3 SSLIM=ffffffff
EBP=026f686c FLG=00010202

DOSCALL1.DLL 0002:00009e7d


02-10-2010 00:00:23 SYS3170 PID 009f TID 0001 Slot 00aa
EAX=17cc0040 EBX=17cc0040 ECX=026f6a00 EDX=00000020
ESI=00000028 EDI=17cc0040
DS=0053 DSACC=f0f3 DSLIM=ffffffff
ES=0053 ESACC=f0f3 ESLIM=ffffffff
FS=150b FSACC=00f3 FSLIM=00000030
GS=0000 GSACC=**** GSLIM=********
CS:EIP=005b:1e313ace CSACC=f0df CSLIM=ffffffff
SS:ESP=0053:026f6274 SSACC=f0f3 SSLIM=ffffffff
EBP=026f62b8 FLG=00010202

DOSCALL1.DLL 0002:00009e7d


02-10-2010 00:00:23 SYS3170 PID 009f TID 0001 Slot 00aa
EAX=17cc0040 EBX=17cc0040 ECX=026f644c EDX=00000020
ESI=00000028 EDI=17cc0040
DS=0053 DSACC=f0f3 DSLIM=ffffffff
ES=0053 ESACC=f0f3 ESLIM=ffffffff
FS=150b FSACC=00f3 FSLIM=00000030
GS=0000 GSACC=**** GSLIM=********
CS:EIP=005b:1e313ace CSACC=f0df CSLIM=ffffffff
SS:ESP=0053:026f5cc0 SSACC=f0f3 SSLIM=ffffffff
EBP=026f5d04 FLG=00010202

DOSCALL1.DLL 0002:00009e7d


02-10-2010 00:00:23 SYS3170 PID 009f TID 0001 Slot 00aa
EAX=17cc0040 EBX=17cc0040 ECX=026f5e98 EDX=00000020
ESI=00000028 EDI=17cc0040
DS=0053 DSACC=f0f3 DSLIM=ffffffff
ES=0053 ESACC=f0f3 ESLIM=ffffffff
FS=150b FSACC=00f3 FSLIM=00000030
GS=0000 GSACC=**** GSLIM=********
CS:EIP=005b:1e313ace CSACC=f0df CSLIM=ffffffff
SS:ESP=0053:026f570c SSACC=f0f3 SSLIM=ffffffff
EBP=026f5750 FLG=00010202

DOSCALL1.DLL 0002:00009e7d


02-10-2010 00:00:23 SYS3170 PID 009f TID 0001 Slot 00aa
EAX=17cc0040 EBX=17cc0040 ECX=026f58e4 EDX=00000020
ESI=00000028 EDI=17cc0040
DS=0053 DSACC=f0f3 DSLIM=ffffffff
ES=0053 ESACC=f0f3 ESLIM=ffffffff
FS=150b FSACC=00f3 FSLIM=00000030
GS=0000 GSACC=**** GSLIM=********
CS:EIP=005b:1e313ace CSACC=f0df CSLIM=ffffffff
SS:ESP=0053:026f5158 SSACC=f0f3 SSLIM=ffffffff
EBP=026f519c FLG=00010202

DOSCALL1.DLL 0002:00009e7d


02-10-2010 00:00:23 SYS3170 PID 009f TID 0001 Slot 00aa
EAX=17cc0040 EBX=17cc0040 ECX=026f5330 EDX=00000020
ESI=00000028 EDI=17cc0040
DS=0053 DSACC=f0f3 DSLIM=ffffffff
ES=0053 ESACC=f0f3 ESLIM=ffffffff
FS=150b FSACC=00f3 FSLIM=00000030
GS=0000 GSACC=**** GSLIM=********
CS:EIP=005b:1e313ace CSACC=f0df CSLIM=ffffffff
SS:ESP=0053:026f4ba4 SSACC=f0f3 SSLIM=ffffffff
EBP=026f4be8 FLG=00010202

DOSCALL1.DLL 0002:00009e7d


02-10-2010 00:00:23 SYS3170 PID 009f TID 0001 Slot 00aa
EAX=17cc0040 EBX=17cc0040 ECX=026f4d7c EDX=00000020
ESI=00000028 EDI=17cc0040
DS=0053 DSACC=f0f3 DSLIM=ffffffff
ES=0053 ESACC=f0f3 ESLIM=ffffffff
FS=150b FSACC=00f3 FSLIM=00000030
GS=0000 GSACC=**** GSLIM=********
CS:EIP=005b:1e313ace CSACC=f0df CSLIM=ffffffff
SS:ESP=0053:026f45f0 SSACC=f0f3 SSLIM=ffffffff
EBP=026f4634 FLG=00010202

DOSCALL1.DLL 0002:00009e7d


02-10-2010 00:00:23 SYS3170 PID 009f TID 0001 Slot 00aa
EAX=17cc0040 EBX=17cc0040 ECX=026f47c8 EDX=00000020
ESI=00000028 EDI=17cc0040
DS=0053 DSACC=f0f3 DSLIM=ffffffff
ES=0053 ESACC=f0f3 ESLIM=ffffffff
FS=150b FSACC=00f3 FSLIM=00000030
GS=0000 GSACC=**** GSLIM=********
CS:EIP=005b:1e313ace CSACC=f0df CSLIM=ffffffff
SS:ESP=0053:026f403c SSACC=f0f3 SSLIM=ffffffff
EBP=026f4080 FLG=00010202

DOSCALL1.DLL 0002:00009e7d


02-10-2010 00:00:23 SYS3170 PID 009f TID 0001 Slot 00aa
EAX=17cc0040 EBX=17cc0040 ECX=026f4214 EDX=00000020
ESI=00000028 EDI=17cc0040
DS=0053 DSACC=f0f3 DSLIM=ffffffff
ES=0053 ESACC=f0f3 ESLIM=ffffffff
FS=150b FSACC=00f3 FSLIM=00000030
GS=0000 GSACC=**** GSLIM=********
CS:EIP=005b:1e313ace CSACC=f0df CSLIM=ffffffff
SS:ESP=0053:026f3a88 SSACC=f0f3 SSLIM=ffffffff
EBP=026f3acc FLG=00010202

DOSCALL1.DLL 0002:00009e7d


02-10-2010 00:00:23 SYS3170 PID 009f TID 0001 Slot 00aa
EAX=17cc0040 EBX=17cc0040 ECX=026f3c60 EDX=00000020
ESI=00000028 EDI=17cc0040
DS=0053 DSACC=f0f3 DSLIM=ffffffff
ES=0053 ESACC=f0f3 ESLIM=ffffffff
FS=150b FSACC=00f3 FSLIM=00000030
GS=0000 GSACC=**** GSLIM=********
CS:EIP=005b:1e313ace CSACC=f0df CSLIM=ffffffff
SS:ESP=0053:026f34d4 SSACC=f0f3 SSLIM=ffffffff
EBP=026f3518 FLG=00010202

DOSCALL1.DLL 0002:00009e7d


02-10-2010 00:00:23 SYS3170 PID 009f TID 0001 Slot 00aa
EAX=17cc0040 EBX=17cc0040 ECX=026f36ac EDX=00000020
ESI=00000028 EDI=17cc0040
DS=0053 DSACC=f0f3 DSLIM=ffffffff
ES=0053 ESACC=f0f3 ESLIM=ffffffff
FS=150b FSACC=00f3 FSLIM=00000030
GS=0000 GSACC=**** GSLIM=********
CS:EIP=005b:1e313ace CSACC=f0df CSLIM=ffffffff
SS:ESP=0053:026f2f20 SSACC=f0f3 SSLIM=ffffffff
EBP=026f2f64 FLG=00010202

DOSCALL1.DLL 0002:00009e7d


02-10-2010 00:00:23 SYS3170 PID 009f TID 0001 Slot 00aa
EAX=17cc0040 EBX=17cc0040 ECX=026f30f8 EDX=00000020
ESI=00000028 EDI=17cc0040
DS=0053 DSACC=f0f3 DSLIM=ffffffff
ES=0053 ESACC=f0f3 ESLIM=ffffffff
FS=150b FSACC=00f3 FSLIM=00000030
GS=0000 GSACC=**** GSLIM=********
CS:EIP=005b:1e313ace CSACC=f0df CSLIM=ffffffff
SS:ESP=0053:026f296c SSACC=f0f3 SSLIM=ffffffff
EBP=026f29b0 FLG=00010202

DOSCALL1.DLL 0002:00009e7d


02-10-2010 00:00:23 SYS3170 PID 009f TID 0001 Slot 00aa
EAX=17cc0040 EBX=17cc0040 ECX=026f2b44 EDX=00000020
ESI=00000028 EDI=17cc0040
DS=0053 DSACC=f0f3 DSLIM=ffffffff
ES=0053 ESACC=f0f3 ESLIM=ffffffff
FS=150b FSACC=00f3 FSLIM=00000030
GS=0000 GSACC=**** GSLIM=********
CS:EIP=005b:1e313ace CSACC=f0df CSLIM=ffffffff
SS:ESP=0053:026f23b8 SSACC=f0f3 SSLIM=ffffffff
EBP=026f23fc FLG=00010202

DOSCALL1.DLL 0002:00009e7d


02-10-2010 00:00:23 SYS3170 PID 009f TID 0001 Slot 00aa
EAX=17cc0040 EBX=17cc0040 ECX=026f2590 EDX=00000020
ESI=00000028 EDI=17cc0040
DS=0053 DSACC=f0f3 DSLIM=ffffffff
ES=0053 ESACC=f0f3 ESLIM=ffffffff
FS=150b FSACC=00f3 FSLIM=00000030
GS=0000 GSACC=**** GSLIM=********
CS:EIP=005b:1e313ace CSACC=f0df CSLIM=ffffffff
SS:ESP=0053:026f1e04 SSACC=f0f3 SSLIM=ffffffff
EBP=026f1e48 FLG=00010202

DOSCALL1.DLL 0002:00009e7d


02-10-2010 00:00:23 SYS3170 PID 009f TID 0001 Slot 00aa
EAX=17cc0040 EBX=17cc0040 ECX=026f1fdc EDX=00000020
ESI=00000028 EDI=17cc0040
DS=0053 DSACC=f0f3 DSLIM=ffffffff
ES=0053 ESACC=f0f3 ESLIM=ffffffff
FS=150b FSACC=00f3 FSLIM=00000030
GS=0000 GSACC=**** GSLIM=********
CS:EIP=005b:1e313ace CSACC=f0df CSLIM=ffffffff
SS:ESP=0053:026f1850 SSACC=f0f3 SSLIM=ffffffff
EBP=026f1894 FLG=00010202

DOSCALL1.DLL 0002:00009e7d


02-10-2010 00:00:23 SYS3170 PID 009f TID 0001 Slot 00aa
EAX=17cc0040 EBX=17cc0040 ECX=026f1a28 EDX=00000020
ESI=00000028 EDI=17cc0040
DS=0053 DSACC=f0f3 DSLIM=ffffffff
ES=0053 ESACC=f0f3 ESLIM=ffffffff
FS=150b FSACC=00f3 FSLIM=00000030
GS=0000 GSACC=**** GSLIM=********
CS:EIP=005b:1e313ace CSACC=f0df CSLIM=ffffffff
SS:ESP=0053:026f129c SSACC=f0f3 SSLIM=ffffffff
EBP=026f12e0 FLG=00010202

DOSCALL1.DLL 0002:00009e7d


02-10-2010 00:00:23 SYS3170 PID 009f TID 0001 Slot 00aa
EAX=17cc0040 EBX=17cc0040 ECX=026f1474 EDX=00000020
ESI=00000028 EDI=17cc0040
DS=0053 DSACC=f0f3 DSLIM=ffffffff
ES=0053 ESACC=f0f3 ESLIM=ffffffff
FS=150b FSACC=00f3 FSLIM=00000030
GS=0000 GSACC=**** GSLIM=********
CS:EIP=005b:1e313ace CSACC=f0df CSLIM=ffffffff
SS:ESP=0053:026f0ce8 SSACC=f0f3 SSLIM=ffffffff
EBP=026f0d2c FLG=00010202

DOSCALL1.DLL 0002:00009e7d


02-10-2010 00:00:23 SYS3170 PID 009f TID 0001 Slot 00aa
EAX=17cc0040 EBX=17cc0040 ECX=026f0ec0 EDX=00000020
ESI=00000028 EDI=17cc0040
DS=0053 DSACC=f0f3 DSLIM=ffffffff
ES=0053 ESACC=f0f3 ESLIM=ffffffff
FS=150b FSACC=00f3 FSLIM=00000030
GS=0000 GSACC=**** GSLIM=********
CS:EIP=005b:1e313ace CSACC=f0df CSLIM=ffffffff
SS:ESP=0053:026f0734 SSACC=f0f3 SSLIM=ffffffff
EBP=026f0778 FLG=00010202

DOSCALL1.DLL 0002:00009e7d


02-10-2010 00:00:23 SYS3171 PID 009f TID 0001 Slot 00aa
EAX=17cc0040 EBX=17cc0040 ECX=026f090c EDX=00000020
ESI=00000028 EDI=17cc0040
DS=0053 DSACC=f0f3 DSLIM=ffffffff
ES=0053 ESACC=f0f3 ESLIM=ffffffff
FS=150b FSACC=00f3 FSLIM=00000030
GS=0000 GSACC=**** GSLIM=********
CS:EIP=005b:1ffc9d21 CSACC=f0df CSLIM=ffffffff
SS:ESP=0053:026eff14 SSACC=f0f3 SSLIM=ffffffff
EBP=026f0018 FLG=00010206

DOSCALL1.DLL 0002:00009e7d
Pete Brown
2010-02-10 01:12:41 UTC
Post by Pete Brown
There seems to be a problem with the current EVFSgui beta - 25th. Jan.
2010 (? date is definitely wrong by my calender) Client part 3 Client
GUI (EVFSGUI) 2.0.2 Plugin 1.5 beta4 ZIP Setup and manage connections .
Having installed it I tried to run it - bad mistake as the system hung
totally requiring several Ctrl-Alt-Del presses to reboot.
On rebooting I had a look in popuplog.os2 - looks like there is a
problem with EVFSgui.exe as it creates multiple entries in popuplog.os2,
relevant section below.
Being brave/foolish I had another try at running this build of EVFSgui.

The result was that the app started without crashing my system.

The View displayed was Dialog, the View setting said it was Browser.

All of the menu bar items (File, View, Help etc) have [ ] around the
name of the option.

Trying to Exit/Close EVFSgui failed totally and the system crashed after
several attempts without any entry in popuplog.os2.


Alex Taylor
2010-02-15 08:20:16 UTC
On Wed, 10 Feb 2010 01:12:41 UTC, Pete Brown
Post by Pete Brown
Being brave/foolish I had another try at running this build of EVFSgui.
The result was that the app started without crashing my system.
The View displayed was Dialog, the View setting said it was Browser.
All of the menu bar items (File, View, Help etc) have [ ] around the
name of the option.
Sounds like you tried to install it over top of a 1.x version. While
that's not necessarily impossible, it's probably a bad idea.
Specifically, it's probably trying to load the v1.3 message file
because that happens to be earlier in the DPATH.
Alex Taylor
Fukushima, Japan

Please take off hat when replying.
Herwig Bauernfeind
2010-02-10 07:05:29 UTC
Hi Pete,
Post by Pete Brown
Post by Pete Brown
There seems to be a problem with the current EVFSgui beta - 25th. Jan.
2010 (? date is definitely wrong by my calender)
No, as it was tested several days beffore it was published.
Post by Pete Brown
Post by Pete Brown
Having installed it I tried to run it - bad mistake as the system hung
totally requiring several Ctrl-Alt-Del presses to reboot.
Looking at the changelog and at the changes in source code I can't
imagine how these changes should trigger what you see.
Post by Pete Brown
Post by Pete Brown
On rebooting I had a look in popuplog.os2 - looks like there is a
problem with EVFSgui.exe as it creates multiple entries in popuplog.os2,
relevant section below.
Considering that EVFSGUI is a REXX application, I doubt that it even can
trigger these.
From the popuplog.os2 entries you see that it is DOSCALL1.DLL and
REXXAPI.DLL that are crashing, not EVFSGUI.EXE
Post by Pete Brown
Being brave/foolish I had another try at running this build of EVFSgui.
The result was that the app started without crashing my system.
The View displayed was Dialog, the View setting said it was Browser.
All of the menu bar items (File, View, Help etc) have [ ] around the
name of the option.
That indicates that the language files cannot be found (EVFSI_EN.MSG)
anymore. Hints towards a flawed installation.
Post by Pete Brown
Trying to Exit/Close EVFSgui failed totally and the system crashed
after several attempts without any entry in popuplog.os2.
Just guessing here: it waits for some REXX function call that never
returns. I'd say your REXX subsystem might be defective in some way.

Are you sure the previous EVFSGUI still works on this system? If yes,
you might use it to turn on the debug console and start 2.0.2 again to
see where it waits forever....

Needless to say I cannot reproduce your problem here.

Kind regards,
Pete Brown
2010-02-10 19:32:11 UTC
hi Herwig
Post by Herwig Bauernfeind
Hi Pete,
Post by Pete Brown
Post by Pete Brown
There seems to be a problem with the current EVFSgui beta - 25th. Jan.
2010 (? date is definitely wrong by my calender)
No, as it was tested several days beffore it was published.
Well, it is only 10th January 2010 here :-)
Post by Herwig Bauernfeind
Post by Pete Brown
Post by Pete Brown
Having installed it I tried to run it - bad mistake as the system hung
totally requiring several Ctrl-Alt-Del presses to reboot.
Looking at the changelog and at the changes in source code I can't
imagine how these changes should trigger what you see.
Post by Pete Brown
Post by Pete Brown
On rebooting I had a look in popuplog.os2 - looks like there is a
problem with EVFSgui.exe as it creates multiple entries in popuplog.os2,
relevant section below.
Considering that EVFSGUI is a REXX application, I doubt that it even can
trigger these.
From the popuplog.os2 entries you see that it is DOSCALL1.DLL and
REXXAPI.DLL that are crashing, not EVFSGUI.EXE
Well, I'd have to guess that EVFSgui.exe uses those dll files as the
popuplog entries specifically mention EVFSgui.exe
Post by Herwig Bauernfeind
Post by Pete Brown
Being brave/foolish I had another try at running this build of EVFSgui.
The result was that the app started without crashing my system.
The View displayed was Dialog, the View setting said it was Browser.
All of the menu bar items (File, View, Help etc) have [ ] around the
name of the option.
That indicates that the language files cannot be found (EVFSI_EN.MSG)
anymore. Hints towards a flawed installation.
I unzipped over the existing files so I doubt the installation is flawed.

I've just run Warpin and Verified the Samba installation and see that
the new EVFSgui package contains older files. Is this report correct? -
the results of Verification:-

File "L:\ecs\bin\evfsgui.EXE" has been overwritten with newer file
(existing: 12/01/2010 18:55:26, database: 23/12/2009 08:50:50)
File "L:\ecs\bin\evfsi_de.hlp" has been overwritten with older file
(existing: 17/12/2009 07:47:28, database: 17/12/2009 08:47:28)
File "L:\ecs\bin\evfsi_de.msg" has been overwritten with older file
(existing: 17/12/2009 07:47:28, database: 17/12/2009 08:47:28)
File "L:\ecs\bin\evfsi_en.hlp" has been overwritten with older file
(existing: 17/12/2009 07:47:28, database: 17/12/2009 08:47:28)
File "L:\ecs\bin\evfsi_en.msg" has been overwritten with older file
(existing: 17/12/2009 07:47:28, database: 17/12/2009 08:47:28)
File "L:\ecs\bin\evfsi_fr.hlp" has been overwritten with older file
(existing: 17/12/2009 07:47:28, database: 17/12/2009 08:47:28)
File "L:\ecs\bin\evfsi_fr.msg" has been overwritten with older file
(existing: 17/12/2009 07:47:28, database: 17/12/2009 08:47:28)
File "L:\ecs\bin\evfsgui.exe" has been overwritten with newer file
(existing: 12/01/2010 18:55:26, database: 30/07/2009 18:05:20)
File "L:\ecs\dll\ndpsmb.dll" has been overwritten with newer file
(existing: 23/10/2009 16:28:30, database: 30/07/2009 18:05:20)
Post by Herwig Bauernfeind
Post by Pete Brown
Trying to Exit/Close EVFSgui failed totally and the system crashed
after several attempts without any entry in popuplog.os2.
Just guessing here: it waits for some REXX function call that never
returns. I'd say your REXX subsystem might be defective in some way.
Interesting - EVFSgui finds a Rexx defect that other software misses.
Post by Herwig Bauernfeind
Are you sure the previous EVFSGUI still works on this system? If yes,
you might use it to turn on the debug console and start 2.0.2 again to
see where it waits forever....
I'll reinstall that and check...

I've reinstalled evfsgui-20-GA-20091224.wpi which was working fine when
last tested shortly after initial install - I do not actually use this
software as it does not interact very well with OS/2 peer and I cannot
switch to samba server to test EVFSgui as samba server simply does not work.

Now I find that this build of EVFSgui is misbehaving in a similar manner
- especially when trying to close the app as it fails to close and
crashes the system.

The menu items do not have the [ ] brackets around them but the View,
Network neighbourhood option is checked and displays the Dialog View..

Since I last ran evfsgui-20-GA-20091224 the only system changes have been:-

1] Sacked ACPI entirely and now use OS2APIC.PSD instead

2] Updated the nVeth driver (nVidia nForce nic) from build 0.0.4 to 0.0.6

I doubt if removing ACPI and using OS2APIC has caused the problem - and
if it has then EVFSgui cannot be used here.

The nVeth driver seems to be working fine with all other software but I
will revert the nic driver to test and report back soon.


Post by Herwig Bauernfeind
Needless to say I cannot reproduce your problem here.
Kind regards,
Pete Brown
2010-02-10 21:08:56 UTC
Hi Herwig
Post by Pete Brown
hi Herwig
Post by Herwig Bauernfeind
Hi Pete,
Post by Pete Brown
Post by Pete Brown
There seems to be a problem with the current EVFSgui beta - 25th. Jan.
2010 (? date is definitely wrong by my calender)
No, as it was tested several days beffore it was published.
Well, it is only 10th January 2010 here :-)
Post by Herwig Bauernfeind
Post by Pete Brown
Post by Pete Brown
Having installed it I tried to run it - bad mistake as the system hung
totally requiring several Ctrl-Alt-Del presses to reboot.
Looking at the changelog and at the changes in source code I can't
imagine how these changes should trigger what you see.
Post by Pete Brown
Post by Pete Brown
On rebooting I had a look in popuplog.os2 - looks like there is a
problem with EVFSgui.exe as it creates multiple entries in
relevant section below.
Considering that EVFSGUI is a REXX application, I doubt that it even can
trigger these.
From the popuplog.os2 entries you see that it is DOSCALL1.DLL and
REXXAPI.DLL that are crashing, not EVFSGUI.EXE
Well, I'd have to guess that EVFSgui.exe uses those dll files as the
popuplog entries specifically mention EVFSgui.exe
Post by Herwig Bauernfeind
Post by Pete Brown
Being brave/foolish I had another try at running this build of EVFSgui.
The result was that the app started without crashing my system.
The View displayed was Dialog, the View setting said it was Browser.
All of the menu bar items (File, View, Help etc) have [ ] around the
name of the option.
That indicates that the language files cannot be found (EVFSI_EN.MSG)
anymore. Hints towards a flawed installation.
I unzipped over the existing files so I doubt the installation is flawed.
I've just run Warpin and Verified the Samba installation and see that
the new EVFSgui package contains older files. Is this report correct? -
the results of Verification:-
File "L:\ecs\bin\evfsgui.EXE" has been overwritten with newer file
(existing: 12/01/2010 18:55:26, database: 23/12/2009 08:50:50)
File "L:\ecs\bin\evfsi_de.hlp" has been overwritten with older file
(existing: 17/12/2009 07:47:28, database: 17/12/2009 08:47:28)
File "L:\ecs\bin\evfsi_de.msg" has been overwritten with older file
(existing: 17/12/2009 07:47:28, database: 17/12/2009 08:47:28)
File "L:\ecs\bin\evfsi_en.hlp" has been overwritten with older file
(existing: 17/12/2009 07:47:28, database: 17/12/2009 08:47:28)
File "L:\ecs\bin\evfsi_en.msg" has been overwritten with older file
(existing: 17/12/2009 07:47:28, database: 17/12/2009 08:47:28)
File "L:\ecs\bin\evfsi_fr.hlp" has been overwritten with older file
(existing: 17/12/2009 07:47:28, database: 17/12/2009 08:47:28)
File "L:\ecs\bin\evfsi_fr.msg" has been overwritten with older file
(existing: 17/12/2009 07:47:28, database: 17/12/2009 08:47:28)
File "L:\ecs\bin\evfsgui.exe" has been overwritten with newer file
(existing: 12/01/2010 18:55:26, database: 30/07/2009 18:05:20)
File "L:\ecs\dll\ndpsmb.dll" has been overwritten with newer file
(existing: 23/10/2009 16:28:30, database: 30/07/2009 18:05:20)
Post by Herwig Bauernfeind
Post by Pete Brown
Trying to Exit/Close EVFSgui failed totally and the system crashed
after several attempts without any entry in popuplog.os2.
Just guessing here: it waits for some REXX function call that never
returns. I'd say your REXX subsystem might be defective in some way.
Interesting - EVFSgui finds a Rexx defect that other software misses.
Post by Herwig Bauernfeind
Are you sure the previous EVFSGUI still works on this system? If yes,
you might use it to turn on the debug console and start 2.0.2 again to
see where it waits forever....
I'll reinstall that and check...
I've reinstalled evfsgui-20-GA-20091224.wpi which was working fine when
last tested shortly after initial install - I do not actually use this
software as it does not interact very well with OS/2 peer and I cannot
switch to samba server to test EVFSgui as samba server simply does not work.
Now I find that this build of EVFSgui is misbehaving in a similar manner
- especially when trying to close the app as it fails to close and
crashes the system.
The menu items do not have the [ ] brackets around them but the View,
Network neighbourhood option is checked and displays the Dialog View..
Since I last ran evfsgui-20-GA-20091224 the only system changes have been:-
1] Sacked ACPI entirely and now use OS2APIC.PSD instead
2] Updated the nVeth driver (nVidia nForce nic) from build 0.0.4 to 0.0.6
I doubt if removing ACPI and using OS2APIC has caused the problem - and
if it has then EVFSgui cannot be used here.
The nVeth driver seems to be working fine with all other software but I
will revert the nic driver to test and report back soon.
Turns out it was nothing to do with Rexx, ACPI or nVeth; Looks like a
warpin install problem:-

Having reverted the nVeth driver I rebooted.

No change in EVFSgui behaviour.

I uninstalled EVFSgui using Warpin. This brought 2 things to my attention:

1] Something wrong with the reporting of the Warpin package Uninstall as
it claims to not be able to delete 2 files as they could not be found -
l:\ecs\bin\evfsgui.exe and l:\ecs\dll\ndpmsb.dll. Well, I know
evfsgui.exe was in place because it hung my system when I tried to run
it and presume that the ndpmsb.dll file was installed correctly by Warpin.

2] The Uninstall made config.sys file modifications and saved the old
config.sys as config.002 - Well, that is what it said it would do but
instead I find config.sys still has the EVFS related lines but
config.002 does not. Looks like the config files get saved to the wrong

Having uninstalled EVFSgui I then installed the version supplied with
eCS2.0RC7 and rebooted.

After the reboot EVFSgui runs without problems so I decided to try
updating that using evfsgui-20-GA-20091224.wpi

That attempt reports an error:-

An error occurred unpacking the current archive.
Current file: "ecs\dll\ndpsmb.dll"
OS/2 reported the following error message:
SYS0003: The system cannot find the path specified.
Press "Cancel" to quit Warpin.
Press "Retry" to try the failing operation again.
Press "Ignore" to skip the offending file. This might lead to an
incomplete installation.

You may want to note that there is no "Cancel" button; I think that
would be a better button caption than "Abort" which is the button to
cancel the install.

I clicked "Retry" and the same error was displayed.

I then clicked "Ignore" and let the rest of the install continue.

I unlocked the existing \ecs\dll\ndpsmb.dll file and then reran the
above install. No problems this time, looks like the
evfsgui-20-GA-20091224.wpi cannot unlock the ndpsmb.dll to replace it
with the later version in the archive. I wonder if that is the cause of
the problems I've reported with the later package...

Well, evfsgui-20-GA-20091224 seems to work as well as previous versions
of EVFSgui so now for the next step in the update procedure, applying
files from evfsgui-201-20100112.zip This simply involves unzipping the
files into the correct directories to overwrite existing files.

That seems to have EVFSgui working as well as it did previously but the
menu items have regained the [ ] so something wrong somewhere.

I guess the problems I reported relate back to problems unlocking and
replacing the \ecs\dll\ndpsmb.dll file during the
evfsgui-20-GA-20091224.wpi install - maybe I clicked "Ignore" during the
original install of that build and forgot about sorting it out later.

I should add that this build of EVFS behaves about the same as previous

Nothing displayed in Network neighbourhood/Browse View regardless of how
many systems are connected to the network and Incomplete directory
listings when accessing network shares.


Pete Brown
2010-02-10 21:39:27 UTC
Hi Herwig
Post by Pete Brown
hi Herwig
Post by Herwig Bauernfeind
Hi Pete,
Post by Pete Brown
There seems to be a problem with the current EVFSgui beta - 25th. Jan.
2010 (? date is definitely wrong by my calender)
No, as it was tested several days beffore it was published.
Well, it is only 10th January 2010 here :-)
Sorry, ignore the above as I'm getting the month wrong - been a very
busy couple of days.


Doug Bissett
2010-02-10 22:22:49 UTC
On Wed, 10 Feb 2010 00:21:48 UTC, Pete Brown
Post by Pete Brown
There seems to be a problem with the current EVFSgui beta - 25th. Jan.
2010 (? date is definitely wrong by my calender) Client part 3 Client
GUI (EVFSGUI) 2.0.2 Plugin 1.5 beta4 ZIP Setup and manage connections .
Having installed it I tried to run it - bad mistake as the system hung
totally requiring several Ctrl-Alt-Del presses to reboot.
On rebooting I had a look in popuplog.os2 - looks like there is a
problem with EVFSgui.exe as it creates multiple entries in popuplog.os2,
relevant section below.

Seems to me that you need to flip your calendar :-)

Anyway, after replacing EVFSGUI.EXE (seems to be the only file updated
since the 20091224 WPI version) with the 20100125 version, I find that
it works correctly, although the square brackets around all of the
menu items seems to be somewhat unusual.
From the eComStation of Doug Bissett
dougb007 at telus dot net
(Please make the obvious changes, to e-mail me)
Pete Brown
2010-02-11 01:27:52 UTC
Hi Doug
Post by Doug Bissett
On Wed, 10 Feb 2010 00:21:48 UTC, Pete Brown
Post by Pete Brown
There seems to be a problem with the current EVFSgui beta - 25th. Jan.
2010 (? date is definitely wrong by my calender) Client part 3 Client
GUI (EVFSGUI) 2.0.2 Plugin 1.5 beta4 ZIP Setup and manage connections .
Having installed it I tried to run it - bad mistake as the system hung
totally requiring several Ctrl-Alt-Del presses to reboot.
On rebooting I had a look in popuplog.os2 - looks like there is a
problem with EVFSgui.exe as it creates multiple entries in popuplog.os2,
relevant section below.
Seems to me that you need to flip your calendar :-)
Correct - well, flip it back to the correct page actually :-)
Post by Doug Bissett
Anyway, after replacing EVFSGUI.EXE (seems to be the only file updated
since the 20091224 WPI version) with the 20100125 version, I find that
it works correctly, although the square brackets around all of the
menu items seems to be somewhat unusual.
Yes, tracked down the problem to the install of
evfsgui-20-GA-20091224.wpi failed to update the ndpsmb.dll file.

Glad to see someone else reporting the "[ ]" menu items problem as it
saves me looking for another error here.


Herwig Bauernfeind
2010-02-11 08:11:39 UTC
Hi all,

a new one:


Please note, that this is a new EVFSGUI.EXE and a new ndpsmb.dll

For reasons explained here http://svn.netlabs.org/samba/ticket/122 (Note
that my final assumption that the EVFS REXX DLL has to be changed turned
out to be wrong - the plugin ndpsmb.dll was the place to address the
problem) profiles created with earlier versions of the plugin are
slightly incompatible.

The new EVFSGUI.EXE overcomes these compatibility problems.

EVFSGUI 2.0.3 should not be used with prior revisions of the plugin and
vice versa. The help files and msg files have not changed since
17.12.2009 and are still required.
If you see [...] round the menu entries, this means that EVFSGUI.EXE
could not find the EVFSI_??.MSG file.

In case of problems with older profiles: It is rather easy to make older
profiles compatible, take your favorite text editor and remove the
MEMLEN=2; LOGLEVEL=?; and LOGFILE=* tokens from each profile string.

Pete Brown
2010-02-11 14:54:57 UTC
Hi Herwig
Post by Herwig Bauernfeind
Hi all,
Please note, that this is a new EVFSGUI.EXE and a new ndpsmb.dll
No obvious change in behaviour from previous builds as my network is not
displayed in Browser View (previously Network neighbourhood) and EVFSgui
is unable to list contents on a shared drive fully.
Post by Herwig Bauernfeind
For reasons explained here http://svn.netlabs.org/samba/ticket/122 (Note
that my final assumption that the EVFS REXX DLL has to be changed turned
out to be wrong - the plugin ndpsmb.dll was the place to address the
problem) profiles created with earlier versions of the plugin are
slightly incompatible.
The new EVFSGUI.EXE overcomes these compatibility problems.
EVFSGUI 2.0.3 should not be used with prior revisions of the plugin and
vice versa. The help files and msg files have not changed since
17.12.2009 and are still required.
If you see [...] round the menu entries,
Yes, those are still present.

this means that EVFSGUI.EXE
Post by Herwig Bauernfeind
could not find the EVFSI_??.MSG file.
So why is EVFSgui now unable to locate those files? - the change must be
in the EVFSgui code as builds prior to 202 did not have this problem.


Post by Herwig Bauernfeind
In case of problems with older profiles: It is rather easy to make older
profiles compatible, take your favorite text editor and remove the
MEMLEN=2; LOGLEVEL=?; and LOGFILE=* tokens from each profile string.
Herwig Bauernfeind
2010-02-11 18:32:38 UTC
Hi Pete,
Post by Pete Brown
Post by Herwig Bauernfeind
Please note, that this is a new EVFSGUI.EXE and a new ndpsmb.dll
No obvious change in behaviour from previous builds as my network is
not displayed in Browser View (previously Network neighbourhood) and
EVFSgui is unable to list contents on a shared drive fully.
Turn on debug console and mail me the output....
Post by Pete Brown
Post by Herwig Bauernfeind
For reasons explained here http://svn.netlabs.org/samba/ticket/122 (Note
that my final assumption that the EVFS REXX DLL has to be changed turned
out to be wrong - the plugin ndpsmb.dll was the place to address the
problem) profiles created with earlier versions of the plugin are
slightly incompatible.
The new EVFSGUI.EXE overcomes these compatibility problems.
EVFSGUI 2.0.3 should not be used with prior revisions of the plugin and
vice versa. The help files and msg files have not changed since
17.12.2009 and are still required.
If you see [...] round the menu entries,
Yes, those are still present.
this means that EVFSGUI.EXE
Post by Herwig Bauernfeind
could not find the EVFSI_??.MSG file.
So why is EVFSgui now unable to locate those files? - the change must
be in the EVFSgui code as builds prior to 202 did not have this problem.
The code was changed between 2.0 beta 6 (12/12/2009) and 2.0
(24/12/2009), but not after that.

Try this one, it is a special debug version, with the console turned on
much earlier:

Please mail me the output of the console from the very beginning.

Kind regards,
Pete Brown
2010-02-12 02:29:41 UTC
Hi Herwig
Post by Herwig Bauernfeind
Hi Pete,
Post by Pete Brown
Post by Herwig Bauernfeind
Please note, that this is a new EVFSGUI.EXE and a new ndpsmb.dll
No obvious change in behaviour from previous builds as my network is
not displayed in Browser View (previously Network neighbourhood) and
EVFSgui is unable to list contents on a shared drive fully.
Turn on debug console and mail me the output....
Ummm... We did that before but I will get onto that tomorrow.
Post by Herwig Bauernfeind
Post by Pete Brown
Post by Herwig Bauernfeind
For reasons explained here http://svn.netlabs.org/samba/ticket/122 (Note
that my final assumption that the EVFS REXX DLL has to be changed turned
out to be wrong - the plugin ndpsmb.dll was the place to address the
problem) profiles created with earlier versions of the plugin are
slightly incompatible.
The new EVFSGUI.EXE overcomes these compatibility problems.
EVFSGUI 2.0.3 should not be used with prior revisions of the plugin and
vice versa. The help files and msg files have not changed since
17.12.2009 and are still required.
If you see [...] round the menu entries,
Yes, those are still present.
this means that EVFSGUI.EXE
Post by Herwig Bauernfeind
could not find the EVFSI_??.MSG file.
So why is EVFSgui now unable to locate those files? - the change must
be in the EVFSgui code as builds prior to 202 did not have this problem.
The code was changed between 2.0 beta 6 (12/12/2009) and 2.0
(24/12/2009), but not after that.
Try this one, it is a special debug version, with the console turned on
Please mail me the output of the console from the very beginning.
Kind regards,
I've discovered why the [ ] brackets appear around menu items on the
most recent builds.

You are correct: it is because the evfsi_??.msg file is not found; Or,
rather, it is because the incorrect evfsi_??.msg file is found.

The builds later than evfsgui-20-GA-20091224.wpi look for the
evfsi_??.msg file in [Boot]:\ecs\lang and find an older, not quite
compatible, version of that file.

The problem occurs because I unzipped the later *.msg and *.hlp files
into [Boot]:\ecs\bin - overwriting the files installed there by

Which explains why evfsgui-20-GA-20091224.wpi could find the *.msg file
and later builds do not find the correct version.

Now that I have unzipped evfsi_en.msg into [Boot]:\ecs\bin the [ ]
brackets appear around menu items no longer appear - I also unzipped the
evfsi_en.HLP file into [Boot]:\ecs\help as the later builds look there
for the help file.


Doug Bissett
2010-02-12 18:03:48 UTC
On Fri, 12 Feb 2010 02:29:41 UTC, Pete Brown
Post by Pete Brown
I've discovered why the [ ] brackets appear around menu items on the
most recent builds.
You are correct: it is because the evfsi_??.msg file is not found; Or,
rather, it is because the incorrect evfsi_??.msg file is found.
The builds later than evfsgui-20-GA-20091224.wpi look for the
evfsi_??.msg file in [Boot]:\ecs\lang and find an older, not quite
compatible, version of that file.
You nailed that one. I no longer see the problem, after moving those
files where they, apparently, belong.

This sort of thing is why I recommend ALWAYS building a WPI installer
for this sort of thing. It is very easy to get files into the wrong
places, and this is not always obvious. It is MUCH easier, for
everyone, to simply spend a minute, or so, to build a WPI installer,
and make sure that it gets done right. I would not be too surprised,
if Peter's other problems are caused by something similar. I know that
I had some problems with SAMBA and the command line utilities ending
up in different places, so they were at different versions. Depending
on which version got used, EVFSGUI would work, or fail.

I also see the files: evfs.msg and evfscli.msg in the BIN directory.
Are they old, or do they belong to something else? Should they also be
in the LANG directory?
From the eComStation of Doug Bissett
dougb007 at telus dot net
(Please make the obvious changes, to e-mail me)
Pete Brown
2010-02-12 19:33:19 UTC
Hi Doug
Post by Doug Bissett
On Fri, 12 Feb 2010 02:29:41 UTC, Pete Brown
Post by Pete Brown
I've discovered why the [ ] brackets appear around menu items on the
most recent builds.
You are correct: it is because the evfsi_??.msg file is not found; Or,
rather, it is because the incorrect evfsi_??.msg file is found.
The builds later than evfsgui-20-GA-20091224.wpi look for the
evfsi_??.msg file in [Boot]:\ecs\lang and find an older, not quite
compatible, version of that file.
You nailed that one. I no longer see the problem, after moving those
files where they, apparently, belong.
This sort of thing is why I recommend ALWAYS building a WPI installer
for this sort of thing. It is very easy to get files into the wrong
places, and this is not always obvious. It is MUCH easier, for
everyone, to simply spend a minute, or so, to build a WPI installer,
and make sure that it gets done right.
Err... It is a WPI package that puts the files in the wrong place
intially causing people such as you and me to update the wrongly
installed files and find that the software does not work quite right :-)

I must also add that it took me a lot longer than "a minute, or so" to
build the WPI package for eCUPS but I accept

1] smaller packages should take a little less time

2] becoming more familiar with building WPI packages lessens the time

I would not be too surprised,
Post by Doug Bissett
if Peter's other problems are caused by something similar. I know that
I had some problems with SAMBA and the command line utilities ending
up in different places, so they were at different versions. Depending
on which version got used, EVFSGUI would work, or fail.
The lack of network displayed by EVFSgui in Browse View is related to
whether there is a Windows system running somewhere on the network. No
Windows system, No EVFSgui Browse View of the network and the Details
View offers nothing in the way of Network details when clicking the
dropdown box to select Workgroup or Server.

If I have a Windows system running (the 2 I have run in VPC) the above
problems disappear; EVFSgui can find and display all systems on the network.
Post by Doug Bissett
I also see the files: evfs.msg and evfscli.msg in the BIN directory.
Are they old, or do they belong to something else? Should they also be
in the LANG directory?
I have those files as well and, judging by the dates of the files, I
believe they are placed in \ecs\bin when eSamba is installed from
eCS2.0RC7 so would guess they are in the right place.


Doug Bissett
2010-02-12 21:13:30 UTC
On Fri, 12 Feb 2010 19:33:19 UTC, Pete Brown
Post by Pete Brown
Hi Doug
Post by Doug Bissett
On Fri, 12 Feb 2010 02:29:41 UTC, Pete Brown
Post by Pete Brown
I've discovered why the [ ] brackets appear around menu items on the
most recent builds.
You are correct: it is because the evfsi_??.msg file is not found; Or,
rather, it is because the incorrect evfsi_??.msg file is found.
The builds later than evfsgui-20-GA-20091224.wpi look for the
evfsi_??.msg file in [Boot]:\ecs\lang and find an older, not quite
compatible, version of that file.
You nailed that one. I no longer see the problem, after moving those
files where they, apparently, belong.
This sort of thing is why I recommend ALWAYS building a WPI installer
for this sort of thing. It is very easy to get files into the wrong
places, and this is not always obvious. It is MUCH easier, for
everyone, to simply spend a minute, or so, to build a WPI installer,
and make sure that it gets done right.
Err... It is a WPI package that puts the files in the wrong place
intially causing people such as you and me to update the wrongly
installed files and find that the software does not work quite right :-)
Properly built WPI packages are always right, once the author gets
his/her act together.
Post by Pete Brown
I must also add that it took me a lot longer than "a minute, or so" to
build the WPI package for eCUPS but I accept
1] smaller packages should take a little less time
2] becoming more familiar with building WPI packages lessens the time
In fact, all the author should need to do is place the new files into
the build directory, and run a simple script to build the package.
This is not rocket science. I build my packages by doing that, and it
only takes a few seconds to do the build. It takes longer to place the
updated files into the build directory. If they are properly packaged
once, they should be properly packaged every time the WPI is built.
Post by Pete Brown
I would not be too surprised,
Post by Doug Bissett
if Peter's other problems are caused by something similar. I know that
I had some problems with SAMBA and the command line utilities ending
up in different places, so they were at different versions. Depending
on which version got used, EVFSGUI would work, or fail.
The lack of network displayed by EVFSgui in Browse View is related to
whether there is a Windows system running somewhere on the network. No
Windows system, No EVFSgui Browse View of the network and the Details
View offers nothing in the way of Network details when clicking the
dropdown box to select Workgroup or Server.
That seems to be odd, since I don't have the problem. I also don't
have a windows system running, most of the time. The only explaination
that I can think of, is that my router is taking on that role. The
other possibility is that you have not selected 'Refresh network
neighbourhood immediately', in File-> Global Settings menu. I also
select 'Use broadcasts instead of local master browser'. The refresh
is not "immediate", but it only takes a few seconds.
Post by Pete Brown
If I have a Windows system running (the 2 I have run in VPC) the above
problems disappear; EVFSgui can find and display all systems on the network.
Post by Doug Bissett
I also see the files: evfs.msg and evfscli.msg in the BIN directory.
Are they old, or do they belong to something else? Should they also be
in the LANG directory?
I have those files as well and, judging by the dates of the files, I
believe they are placed in \ecs\bin when eSamba is installed from
eCS2.0RC7 so would guess they are in the right place.
Just thought I would ask, because this too could become a problem,
someday. Herwig?
From the eComStation of Doug Bissett
dougb007 at telus dot net
(Please make the obvious changes, to e-mail me)
Pete Brown
2010-02-12 23:28:51 UTC
Hi Doug
Post by Doug Bissett
On Fri, 12 Feb 2010 19:33:19 UTC, Pete Brown
Post by Pete Brown
Hi Doug
Post by Doug Bissett
On Fri, 12 Feb 2010 02:29:41 UTC, Pete Brown
Post by Pete Brown
I've discovered why the [ ] brackets appear around menu items on the
most recent builds.
You are correct: it is because the evfsi_??.msg file is not found; Or,
rather, it is because the incorrect evfsi_??.msg file is found.
The builds later than evfsgui-20-GA-20091224.wpi look for the
evfsi_??.msg file in [Boot]:\ecs\lang and find an older, not quite
compatible, version of that file.
You nailed that one. I no longer see the problem, after moving those
files where they, apparently, belong.
This sort of thing is why I recommend ALWAYS building a WPI installer
for this sort of thing. It is very easy to get files into the wrong
places, and this is not always obvious. It is MUCH easier, for
everyone, to simply spend a minute, or so, to build a WPI installer,
and make sure that it gets done right.
Err... It is a WPI package that puts the files in the wrong place
intially causing people such as you and me to update the wrongly
installed files and find that the software does not work quite right :-)
Properly built WPI packages are always right, once the author gets
his/her act together.
Post by Pete Brown
I must also add that it took me a lot longer than "a minute, or so" to
build the WPI package for eCUPS but I accept
1] smaller packages should take a little less time
2] becoming more familiar with building WPI packages lessens the time
In fact, all the author should need to do is place the new files into
the build directory, and run a simple script to build the package.
This is not rocket science. I build my packages by doing that, and it
only takes a few seconds to do the build. It takes longer to place the
updated files into the build directory. If they are properly packaged
once, they should be properly packaged every time the WPI is built.
I don't think there is really anything to argue about in the above.

As I am only an occasional "Warpin Packager" I kept notes on how I put
the eCUPS package together - and just in case my system goes totally
"belly up" I made those notes public so that I can, hopefully, find the
instructions again if I need to.
Post by Doug Bissett
Post by Pete Brown
I would not be too surprised,
Post by Doug Bissett
if Peter's other problems are caused by something similar. I know that
I had some problems with SAMBA and the command line utilities ending
up in different places, so they were at different versions. Depending
on which version got used, EVFSGUI would work, or fail.
The lack of network displayed by EVFSgui in Browse View is related to
whether there is a Windows system running somewhere on the network. No
Windows system, No EVFSgui Browse View of the network and the Details
View offers nothing in the way of Network details when clicking the
dropdown box to select Workgroup or Server.
That seems to be odd, since I don't have the problem. I also don't
have a windows system running, most of the time. The only explaination
that I can think of, is that my router is taking on that role. The
other possibility is that you have not selected 'Refresh network
neighbourhood immediately', in File-> Global Settings menu. I also
select 'Use broadcasts instead of local master browser'. The refresh
is not "immediate", but it only takes a few seconds.
I have the same EVFSgui settings - I think they are the default settings
anyway but may be wrong.


Post by Doug Bissett
Post by Pete Brown
If I have a Windows system running (the 2 I have run in VPC) the above
problems disappear; EVFSgui can find and display all systems on the network.
Post by Doug Bissett
I also see the files: evfs.msg and evfscli.msg in the BIN directory.
Are they old, or do they belong to something else? Should they also be
in the LANG directory?
I have those files as well and, judging by the dates of the files, I
believe they are placed in \ecs\bin when eSamba is installed from
eCS2.0RC7 so would guess they are in the right place.
Just thought I would ask, because this too could become a problem,
someday. Herwig?
Doug Bissett
2010-02-13 05:47:07 UTC
On Fri, 12 Feb 2010 23:28:51 UTC, Pete Brown
Post by Pete Brown
Hi Doug
Post by Pete Brown
Post by Doug Bissett
In fact, all the author should need to do is place the new files into
the build directory, and run a simple script to build the package.
This is not rocket science. I build my packages by doing that, and it
only takes a few seconds to do the build. It takes longer to place the
updated files into the build directory. If they are properly packaged
once, they should be properly packaged every time the WPI is built.
I don't think there is really anything to argue about in the above.
As I am only an occasional "Warpin Packager" I kept notes on how I put
the eCUPS package together - and just in case my system goes totally
"belly up" I made those notes public so that I can, hopefully, find the
instructions again if I need to.
I am considering cleaning up my REXX script, and publishing it. I may
keep you in mind for being a tester, if I ever get it done :-)
Post by Pete Brown
Post by Doug Bissett
Post by Doug Bissett
I would not be too surprised,
Post by Doug Bissett
if Peter's other problems are caused by something similar. I know that
I had some problems with SAMBA and the command line utilities ending
up in different places, so they were at different versions. Depending
on which version got used, EVFSGUI would work, or fail.
The lack of network displayed by EVFSgui in Browse View is related to
whether there is a Windows system running somewhere on the network. No
Windows system, No EVFSgui Browse View of the network and the Details
View offers nothing in the way of Network details when clicking the
dropdown box to select Workgroup or Server.
That seems to be odd, since I don't have the problem. I also don't
have a windows system running, most of the time. The only explaination
that I can think of, is that my router is taking on that role. The
other possibility is that you have not selected 'Refresh network
neighbourhood immediately', in File-> Global Settings menu. I also
select 'Use broadcasts instead of local master browser'. The refresh
is not "immediate", but it only takes a few seconds.
I have the same EVFSgui settings - I think they are the default settings
anyway but may be wrong.
I seem to remember having to set 'Use broadcasts instead of local
master browser', but that was a few releases back. I also had almost
identical symptoms to what you describe, and that was caused by having
SAMBA installed on a different drive than the default (boot drive).
What happened there was that the EVFSGUI install put the SAMBA
utilities on the boot drive, but then attempted to use the down level
utilities in the SAMBA installation. Once I updated the SAMBA
installation, I no longer had the problem. Of course, there is still
the question about whether my router is possibly doing what windows
seems to do for you. I need to see if I can eliminate that,
temporarily, to see what happens.
From the eComStation of Doug Bissett
dougb007 at telus dot net
(Please make the obvious changes, to e-mail me)
Doug Bissett
2010-02-13 19:24:21 UTC
On Sat, 13 Feb 2010 05:47:07 UTC, "Doug Bissett"
<dougb007!SPAM-***@public.gmane.org> wrote:

Post by Doug Bissett
Of course, there is still
the question about whether my router is possibly doing what windows
seems to do for you. I need to see if I can eliminate that,
temporarily, to see what happens.
Yes, it seems that the router is doing whatever windows is doing for
Peter. I am pretty sure that it is running some sort of Linux. EVFSGUI
just stops working when the router is eliminated from the network.
This needs to be fixed, somehow.

It also seems that when the router is reattached, EVFSGUI does not
always pick up all of the systems right away. They do, eventually,
show up though. That may be something caused by the router (likely
From the eComStation of Doug Bissett
dougb007 at telus dot net
(Please make the obvious changes, to e-mail me)
Pete Brown
2010-02-14 11:54:01 UTC
Hi Doug
Post by Doug Bissett
On Sat, 13 Feb 2010 05:47:07 UTC, "Doug Bissett"
Post by Doug Bissett
Of course, there is still
the question about whether my router is possibly doing what windows
seems to do for you. I need to see if I can eliminate that,
temporarily, to see what happens.
Yes, it seems that the router is doing whatever windows is doing for
Peter. I am pretty sure that it is running some sort of Linux. EVFSGUI
just stops working when the router is eliminated from the network.
This needs to be fixed, somehow.
Sounds like your router participates in the "master browser election"
required by Windows systems.
Post by Doug Bissett
It also seems that when the router is reattached, EVFSGUI does not
always pick up all of the systems right away. They do, eventually,
show up though. That may be something caused by the router (likely
Can you access the shares when they do show up?

My experience was that I needed to remount the network in EVFSgui before
I could access shares.


Doug Bissett
2010-02-14 19:14:35 UTC
On Sun, 14 Feb 2010 11:54:01 UTC, Pete Brown
Post by Pete Brown
Hi Doug
Post by Doug Bissett
On Sat, 13 Feb 2010 05:47:07 UTC, "Doug Bissett"
Post by Doug Bissett
Of course, there is still
the question about whether my router is possibly doing what windows
seems to do for you. I need to see if I can eliminate that,
temporarily, to see what happens.
Yes, it seems that the router is doing whatever windows is doing for
Peter. I am pretty sure that it is running some sort of Linux. EVFSGUI
just stops working when the router is eliminated from the network.
This needs to be fixed, somehow.
Sounds like your router participates in the "master browser election"
required by Windows systems.
I think the setting: Use broadcasts instead of local master browser is
supposed to eliminate that, but it may not be working. One other, very
odd, thing that I am seeing, is that I can run WinXP on my laptop,
shut that down, and boot to eCS 2.0 Silver, and when I open EVFSGUI,
it populates with a link to the name of the windows machine (if it was
only true :-). That is, obviously, something that the router is doing,
and it stops doing that about 10 minutes later.
Post by Pete Brown
Post by Doug Bissett
It also seems that when the router is reattached, EVFSGUI does not
always pick up all of the systems right away. They do, eventually,
show up though. That may be something caused by the router (likely
Can you access the shares when they do show up?
Actually, I didn't wait long enough for the shares to show up (I
suspect that they never would). I did try using the LOAD function, but
that was inconclusive, since it also didn't work after restoring the
router to the system either. I didn't have time to pursue the matter,
but I suspect that without the router, there was also no DNS to match
the names to the IP addresses (thought about that, after I did the
Post by Pete Brown
My experience was that I needed to remount the network in EVFSgui before
I could access shares.
I need to find more time to do a more comprehensive, and controled,
test. There were too many unknowns in the test that I did, but I think
I can safely say that the router is doing something to make it all
From the eComStation of Doug Bissett
dougb007 at telus dot net
(Please make the obvious changes, to e-mail me)
Herwig Bauernfeind
2010-02-13 11:18:31 UTC
Post by Doug Bissett
On Fri, 12 Feb 2010 02:29:41 UTC, Pete Brown
Post by Pete Brown
I've discovered why the [ ] brackets appear around menu items on the
most recent builds.
You are correct: it is because the evfsi_??.msg file is not found; Or,
rather, it is because the incorrect evfsi_??.msg file is found.
The builds later than evfsgui-20-GA-20091224.wpi look for the
evfsi_??.msg file in [Boot]:\ecs\lang and find an older, not quite
compatible, version of that file.
You nailed that one. I no longer see the problem, after moving those
files where they, apparently, belong.
This sort of thing is why I recommend ALWAYS building a WPI installer
for this sort of thing. It is very easy to get files into the wrong
places, and this is not always obvious. It is MUCH easier, for
everyone, to simply spend a minute, or so, to build a WPI installer,
and make sure that it gets done right. I would not be too surprised,
if Peter's other problems are caused by something similar. I know that
I had some problems with SAMBA and the command line utilities ending
up in different places, so they were at different versions. Depending
on which version got used, EVFSGUI would work, or fail.
Well, basically I agree with you. The problem behind this specific case
is the following:

I created a WPI (the one 24.12.2009), which was compatible to the one
that came with earlier eCS 2.0 RCs, installationwise and locationwise,
however the powers behind eCS did not like that and created their own.
Moreover they changed the future location of the .msg and .hlp files and
decided that \samba must not be in the root of the boot drive (there
were good technical reasons why I did that for the commandline
utilities) but in \ecs\system\samba. Ok, Silvan changed Samba in order
to remove the root directory dependency from all components (the server
daemons did not have it anyway, but many of the client utilities).

This has several consequences for me:
- The WPI I created for EVFSGUI is junk now - as it does not put the
files where they should be NOW.
- In addition the server WPI is junk now - as it does not check whether
the commandline utilities eventually exist in a different location.

This subtle change (which isn't really bad) however created a lot of
work for me to do (and will take some time to get done; time I
definitely would have preferred to spend on other things).

You might argue I did not handle the situation appropriately, and you
are right - I should have told you to first uninstall any previous
EVFSGUI file completely and distribute a ZIP file with all files in the
appropriate layout (as I did not have time yet to create another new
free WPI to reflect the changes introduced in eCS 2.0).
Post by Doug Bissett
I also see the files: evfs.msg and evfscli.msg in the BIN directory.
These are not part of EVFSGUI but of EVFS (the filesystem, which only
comes with eCS and which I cannot distribute in the free package). In
previous eCS 2.0 RC these were located in \ecs\bin. I don't know whether
this also was changed after 24.12.2009. I will know as soon as I create
a new free WPI.

Kind regards,
Doug Bissett
2010-02-13 18:32:55 UTC
On Sat, 13 Feb 2010 11:18:31 UTC, Herwig Bauernfeind
Post by Herwig Bauernfeind
Post by Doug Bissett
On Fri, 12 Feb 2010 02:29:41 UTC, Pete Brown
Post by Pete Brown
I've discovered why the [ ] brackets appear around menu items on the
most recent builds.
You are correct: it is because the evfsi_??.msg file is not found; Or,
rather, it is because the incorrect evfsi_??.msg file is found.
The builds later than evfsgui-20-GA-20091224.wpi look for the
evfsi_??.msg file in [Boot]:\ecs\lang and find an older, not quite
compatible, version of that file.
You nailed that one. I no longer see the problem, after moving those
files where they, apparently, belong.
This sort of thing is why I recommend ALWAYS building a WPI installer
for this sort of thing. It is very easy to get files into the wrong
places, and this is not always obvious. It is MUCH easier, for
everyone, to simply spend a minute, or so, to build a WPI installer,
and make sure that it gets done right. I would not be too surprised,
if Peter's other problems are caused by something similar. I know that
I had some problems with SAMBA and the command line utilities ending
up in different places, so they were at different versions. Depending
on which version got used, EVFSGUI would work, or fail.
Well, basically I agree with you. The problem behind this specific case
I created a WPI (the one 24.12.2009), which was compatible to the one
that came with earlier eCS 2.0 RCs, installationwise and locationwise,
however the powers behind eCS did not like that and created their own.
Moreover they changed the future location of the .msg and .hlp files and
decided that \samba must not be in the root of the boot drive (there
were good technical reasons why I did that for the commandline
utilities) but in \ecs\system\samba. Ok, Silvan changed Samba in order
to remove the root directory dependency from all components (the server
daemons did not have it anyway, but many of the client utilities).
There is good, and bad, in all of that. If SAMBA, and EVFS are to be
considered to be basic system components, the language, and help,
files should be with the rest of them. However, that should only apply
to an initial install. If a user decides to uninstall the default
installation, and put it somewhere else, that should also work. So, it
is good that the root directory dependancies are gone. Whether the
packages are installed in the root, a subdirectory, or even another
drive, should be up to the user (even the old PEER network support can
be installed to a different drive, if you work at it), although the
eCS installer does need to be consistent about what it does, so some
defined defaults need to be used for that.

It seems that you need a WPI with three basic sections, or you need
three separate WPI files. One for EVFSGUI, one for the utilities, and
one for the server. Three separate files would probably be best, with
the utilities being the base(throw in the language options with the
utilities), which will install the other two (if available, and
selected). That way, a user could download the parts that they need,
and when something is updated, they may not need to download all of
them (depending on what versions are required). Chuck McKinnis does
that with the eCSMT package (I expect that he would share his method,
if you asked). That way, the utilities should always be available to
either the server, or EVFSGUI, and the WPI package can define the
required version, to prevent mismatches.
Post by Herwig Bauernfeind
- The WPI I created for EVFSGUI is junk now - as it does not put the
files where they should be NOW.
- In addition the server WPI is junk now - as it does not check whether
the commandline utilities eventually exist in a different location.
Some planning is required to create a proper WPI file, especially when
multiple packages are involved. I think what I suggest above should
work. Mensys uses an automatic mode with WarpIn to tell it what
parameters to use for the various packages, but that should never be
set in stone, when there is no good reason to do so (and there rarely
Post by Herwig Bauernfeind
This subtle change (which isn't really bad) however created a lot of
work for me to do (and will take some time to get done; time I
definitely would have preferred to spend on other things).
In a case like that, it is definitely a waste of your time to figure
it out. Somebody else could do it, with a little direction about what
the requirements are, and where the files should go. These three
packages should be relatively easy to build, and Mensys should not
need to change the packages, only the locations where they are
installed by the eCS installer. Once that is determined (for sure), a
script could be created to create the package. In fact, that can even
be incorporated into a build environment. That is done with the PMMail
project. The difference between building the executables, and
packaging it, is to simply run a different command file to move the
results of the build into a directory structure, and tell WarpIn to
package it. So, "DOMAKE" builds the executables, but not the WPI.
"DOWPI" does DOMAKE, then packages it all in a WPI file.
Post by Herwig Bauernfeind
You might argue I did not handle the situation appropriately, and you
are right - I should have told you to first uninstall any previous
EVFSGUI file completely and distribute a ZIP file with all files in the
appropriate layout (as I did not have time yet to create another new
free WPI to reflect the changes introduced in eCS 2.0).
You really should not have to worry about that sort of thing, other
than to tell whoever is building the package to make whatever changes
are required. If an uninstall is required before installing the new
package, that needs to be part of a README, which is shown by the
WarpIn installer at install time.
Post by Herwig Bauernfeind
Post by Doug Bissett
I also see the files: evfs.msg and evfscli.msg in the BIN directory.
These are not part of EVFSGUI but of EVFS (the filesystem, which only
comes with eCS and which I cannot distribute in the free package). In
previous eCS 2.0 RC these were located in \ecs\bin. I don't know whether
this also was changed after 24.12.2009. I will know as soon as I create
a new free WPI.
I suspected that those files had something to do with the file system.
It seems to me that Mensys should spend their time fixing their own
packages, and leave the packages of others alone. They should, at
least, negotiate the changes that they make.

I notice that the package that they use to install the EVFS file
system, also contains the EVFSGUI stuff. That should not be the case,
It should only contain the file system, and EVFSGUI should be a
separate package. It would also be a good idea to repackage the
NETDRIVE stuff as a WPI file, but I suppose that BSW has the final say
on that. I suppose that if somebody did the work, that they would
accept it, because they are using WarpIn to install PMView. Of course,
it should be possible for WarpIn to call the NETDRIVE installer
anyway, using a wrapper.
Post by Herwig Bauernfeind
Kind regards,
I may find some time to look at all of this, but I am pretty busy with
other things, at the moment.
From the eComStation of Doug Bissett
dougb007 at telus dot net
(Please make the obvious changes, to e-mail me)
Alex Taylor
2010-02-15 08:29:51 UTC
On Sat, 13 Feb 2010 18:32:55 UTC, "Doug Bissett"
Post by Doug Bissett
I notice that the package that they use to install the EVFS file
system, also contains the EVFSGUI stuff. That should not be the case,
It should only contain the file system, and EVFSGUI should be a
separate package.
That was only the case for version 1.3 - we have separated them into
separate packages now (albeit contained in the same WPI file).
Alex Taylor
Fukushima, Japan

Please take off hat when replying.
Herwig Bauernfeind
2010-02-16 08:32:22 UTC
Post by Alex Taylor
On Sat, 13 Feb 2010 18:32:55 UTC, "Doug Bissett"
Post by Doug Bissett
I notice that the package that they use to install the EVFS file
system, also contains the EVFSGUI stuff. That should not be the case,
It should only contain the file system, and EVFSGUI should be a
separate package.
That was only the case for version 1.3 - we have separated them into
separate packages now (albeit contained in the same WPI file).
That makes sense. We absolutely agree on this one.


Doug Bissett
2010-02-11 19:13:40 UTC
On Thu, 11 Feb 2010 08:11:39 UTC, Herwig Bauernfeind
Post by Herwig Bauernfeind
Hi all,
Post by Herwig Bauernfeind
The new EVFSGUI.EXE overcomes these compatibility problems.
Seems to work good, for me, except as noted below. This was a very
quick test, and I didn't try anything other than connecting to other
Post by Herwig Bauernfeind
EVFSGUI 2.0.3 should not be used with prior revisions of the plugin and
vice versa. The help files and msg files have not changed since
17.12.2009 and are still required.
If you see [...] round the menu entries, this means that EVFSGUI.EXE
could not find the EVFSI_??.MSG file.
Interesting. EVFSI_EN.MSG is in the same directory as evfsgui.EXE
(C:\ecs\bin) but I am still seeing the square brackets around the menu
items. How do you determine which language file to use? Since I expect
that it is using the:
(in my case) environment setting, so I mention it here.
Post by Herwig Bauernfeind
In case of problems with older profiles: It is rather easy to make older
profiles compatible, take your favorite text editor and remove the
MEMLEN=2; LOGLEVEL=?; and LOGFILE=* tokens from each profile string.
This does not seem to cause a problem. I was able to connect using the
old profiles (made by the 2.0 version).
Post by Herwig Bauernfeind
From the eComStation of Doug Bissett
dougb007 at telus dot net
(Please make the obvious changes, to e-mail me)
Doug Bissett
2010-02-13 23:01:15 UTC
On Thu, 11 Feb 2010 08:11:39 UTC, Herwig Bauernfeind
Post by Herwig Bauernfeind
Hi all,
Please note, that this is a new EVFSGUI.EXE and a new ndpsmb.dll
For reasons explained here http://svn.netlabs.org/samba/ticket/122 (Note
that my final assumption that the EVFS REXX DLL has to be changed turned
out to be wrong - the plugin ndpsmb.dll was the place to address the
problem) profiles created with earlier versions of the plugin are
slightly incompatible.
The new EVFSGUI.EXE overcomes these compatibility problems.
EVFSGUI 2.0.3 should not be used with prior revisions of the plugin and
vice versa. The help files and msg files have not changed since
17.12.2009 and are still required.
If you see [...] round the menu entries, this means that EVFSGUI.EXE
could not find the EVFSI_??.MSG file.
In case of problems with older profiles: It is rather easy to make older
profiles compatible, take your favorite text editor and remove the
MEMLEN=2; LOGLEVEL=?; and LOGFILE=* tokens from each profile string.
There seems to be a problem. After, sucessfully, installing EVFSGUI
2.03 (0129) on 3 machines, I installed it to my main machine (moving
files to where they should be, and where they work on the other
machines). I can open EVFSGUI, and the network neighbourhood
populates, however, when I try to mount anything, it comes back and
tells me I have an error (Syntax error, I think it was). Anyway, that
isn't the real problem. It seems that I am getting this in
02-13-2010 14:54:55 SYS3175 PID 0062 TID 0002 Slot 0014
P1=00000001 P2=000000be P3=XXXXXXXX P4=XXXXXXXX
EAX=00000069 EBX=000000c1 ECX=000cf2e0 EDX=1ffc70bc
ESI=00000040 EDI=000cf3d0
DS=0053 DSACC=d0f3 DSLIM=5fffffff
ES=0053 ESACC=d0f3 ESLIM=5fffffff
FS=150b FSACC=00f3 FSLIM=00000030
GS=0000 GSACC=**** GSLIM=********
CS:EIP=005b:000000be CSACC=d0df CSLIM=5fffffff
SS:ESP=0053:000cf310 SSACC=d0f3 SSLIM=5fffffff
EBP=2e39935f FLG=00010246
every time I try to mount something.

The 2.02 version (0125) works fine (yes, I did switch the dll with the
exe). Is there anything else I can do to help get this fixed?
From the eComStation of Doug Bissett
dougb007 at telus dot net
(Please make the obvious changes, to e-mail me)
Pete Brown
2010-02-14 11:45:32 UTC
Hi Doug
Post by Doug Bissett
On Thu, 11 Feb 2010 08:11:39 UTC, Herwig Bauernfeind
Post by Herwig Bauernfeind
Hi all,
Please note, that this is a new EVFSGUI.EXE and a new ndpsmb.dll
For reasons explained here http://svn.netlabs.org/samba/ticket/122 (Note
that my final assumption that the EVFS REXX DLL has to be changed turned
out to be wrong - the plugin ndpsmb.dll was the place to address the
problem) profiles created with earlier versions of the plugin are
slightly incompatible.
The new EVFSGUI.EXE overcomes these compatibility problems.
EVFSGUI 2.0.3 should not be used with prior revisions of the plugin and
vice versa. The help files and msg files have not changed since
17.12.2009 and are still required.
If you see [...] round the menu entries, this means that EVFSGUI.EXE
could not find the EVFSI_??.MSG file.
In case of problems with older profiles: It is rather easy to make older
profiles compatible, take your favorite text editor and remove the
MEMLEN=2; LOGLEVEL=?; and LOGFILE=* tokens from each profile string.
There seems to be a problem. After, sucessfully, installing EVFSGUI
2.03 (0129) on 3 machines, I installed it to my main machine (moving
files to where they should be, and where they work on the other
machines). I can open EVFSGUI, and the network neighbourhood
populates, however, when I try to mount anything, it comes back and
tells me I have an error (Syntax error, I think it was). Anyway, that
isn't the real problem. It seems that I am getting this in
02-13-2010 14:54:55 SYS3175 PID 0062 TID 0002 Slot 0014
P1=00000001 P2=000000be P3=XXXXXXXX P4=XXXXXXXX
EAX=00000069 EBX=000000c1 ECX=000cf2e0 EDX=1ffc70bc
ESI=00000040 EDI=000cf3d0
DS=0053 DSACC=d0f3 DSLIM=5fffffff
ES=0053 ESACC=d0f3 ESLIM=5fffffff
FS=150b FSACC=00f3 FSLIM=00000030
GS=0000 GSACC=**** GSLIM=********
CS:EIP=005b:000000be CSACC=d0df CSLIM=5fffffff
SS:ESP=0053:000cf310 SSACC=d0f3 SSLIM=5fffffff
EBP=2e39935f FLG=00010246
every time I try to mount something.
The 2.02 version (0125) works fine (yes, I did switch the dll with the
exe). Is there anything else I can do to help get this fixed?
I had not checked popuplog.os2 until now but confirm there are several
EVFSgui related entries made while I fiddled with EVFSgui on Saturday.

02-13-2010 17:02:10 SYS3175 PID 0022 TID 0002 Slot 0017
P1=00000001 P2=0000157e P3=XXXXXXXX P4=XXXXXXXX
EAX=0000008b EBX=00001611 ECX=000cf2e0 EDX=1ffc70bc
ESI=00000040 EDI=000cf3d0
DS=0053 DSACC=f0f3 DSLIM=ffffffff
ES=0053 ESACC=f0f3 ESLIM=ffffffff
FS=150b FSACC=00f3 FSLIM=00000030
GS=0000 GSACC=**** GSLIM=********
CS:EIP=005b:0000157e CSACC=f0df CSLIM=ffffffff
SS:ESP=0053:000cf310 SSACC=f0f3 SSLIM=ffffffff
EBP=ee113d31 FLG=00010246

02-13-2010 17:07:53 SYS3175 PID 0061 TID 0002 Slot 001e
P1=00000001 P2=00001635 P3=XXXXXXXX P4=XXXXXXXX
EAX=00000027 EBX=000016ca ECX=000cf2e0 EDX=1ffc70bc
ESI=00000040 EDI=000cf3d0
DS=0053 DSACC=f0f3 DSLIM=ffffffff
ES=0053 ESACC=f0f3 ESLIM=ffffffff
FS=150b FSACC=00f3 FSLIM=00000030
GS=0000 GSACC=**** GSLIM=********
CS:EIP=005b:00001635 CSACC=f0df CSLIM=ffffffff
SS:ESP=0053:000cf310 SSACC=f0f3 SSLIM=ffffffff
EBP=f18f397b FLG=00010246


02-13-2010 17:17:16 SYS3175 PID 0068 TID 0002 Slot 00a8
P1=00000001 P2=00001761 P3=XXXXXXXX P4=XXXXXXXX
EAX=000000a0 EBX=000017f9 ECX=000cf2e0 EDX=1ffc70bc
ESI=00000040 EDI=000cf3d0
DS=0053 DSACC=f0f3 DSLIM=ffffffff
ES=0053 ESACC=f0f3 ESLIM=ffffffff
FS=150b FSACC=00f3 FSLIM=00000030
GS=0000 GSACC=**** GSLIM=********
CS:EIP=005b:00001761 CSACC=f0df CSLIM=ffffffff
SS:ESP=0053:000cf310 SSACC=f0f3 SSLIM=ffffffff
EBP=86a435d4 FLG=00010246

