Install of v1.0.5 did not go too well
James Moe
2010-12-24 00:16:08 UTC
os/2 v4.52
xwp v1.0.8
warpin v1.0.19

I just installed samba server v1.0.5. It is not functional for a
couple of reasons.
1. When opening SSCC, I get

Line 10 in _LoadOtherFuncs in sscc.VRM: Call IniLoadFuncs;

Closing the error window closes SSCC.
Later: c:\ecs\dll was not in LIBPATH. Adding it resolved this step.

2. When creating a user:

[C:>smbpasswd -a root
New SMB password:
Retype new SMB password:
Failed to modify password entry for user root

The "Failed to modify..." always occurs, even for the guest account.

3. When running <smbuser.exe>:
Popup window: "The E: device is not ready."
This is true. There is no E: device. Why should this crash the program?
James Moe
2010-12-24 06:01:56 UTC
Post by James Moe
I just installed samba server v1.0.5. It is not functional for a
couple of reasons.
4. <smbd.exe> exits almost immediately after starting. <nmbd.exe> starts okay.

[2010/12/23 22:58:23, 0] printing/pcap.c:pcap_cache_reload(159)
Unable to open printcap file /etc/printcap for read!

</etc/printcap> exists and can be read. Except by <smbd.exe> apparently.
Neil Waldhauer
2010-12-24 14:36:54 UTC
Post by James Moe
os/2 v4.52
xwp v1.0.8
warpin v1.0.19
I just installed samba server v1.0.5. It is not functional for a
couple of reasons.
1. When opening SSCC, I get
Line 10 in _LoadOtherFuncs in sscc.VRM: Call IniLoadFuncs;
Closing the error window closes SSCC.
Later: c:\ecs\dll was not in LIBPATH. Adding it resolved this step.
At a recent BayWarp meeting, we tried to get SAMBA to work. Your first problem
is that you need to install the REXX helper libraries. They are in the WPI
mentioned in the BayWarp web page, but they need to be installed to the root.
Then they go to \ecs\dll, as you mentioned.

After you put in the REXX libraries on the path, reinstall SAMBA using the WPI,
and the installation should create the root and guest users.

Neil Waldhauer, neil-+wRFRm7RS6nqlBn2x/***@public.gmane.org

Speed has never killed anyone, suddenly becoming stationary... that's what gets you.
James Moe
2010-12-24 17:04:24 UTC
Post by Neil Waldhauer
After you put in the REXX libraries on the path, reinstall SAMBA using the WPI,
and the installation should create the root and guest users.
Okay, did that.
I still have the problem that <smbuser.exe> crashes because there is no E:
drive. So I cannot tell if there are the root and guest accounts.
And smbd still quits after starting with the same log entry that it cannot
open </etc/printcap> for reading.
Herwig Bauernfeind
2010-12-27 11:11:12 UTC
Post by James Moe
Post by Neil Waldhauer
After you put in the REXX libraries on the path, reinstall SAMBA using the WPI,
and the installation should create the root and guest users.
Okay, did that.
drive. So I cannot tell if there are the root and guest accounts.
And smbd still quits after starting with the same log entry that it cannot
open </etc/printcap> for reading.
In sscc.exe menu "File", there is a menuitem to create a valid printcap

I have no idea about the missing E: drive, I just checked the code there
is no hardcoded E: drive in it.

Where is your OS installed, where does UNIXROOT point to?

Kind regards,
James Moe
2010-12-27 20:44:07 UTC
Post by Herwig Bauernfeind
Post by James Moe
drive. So I cannot tell if there are the root and guest accounts.
And smbd still quits after starting with the same log entry that it cannot
open </etc/printcap> for reading.
In sscc.exe menu "File", there is a menuitem to create a valid printcap
Okay, did that. No change. <smbd.log> stills claims it cannot open
<etc/printcap> for reading.
Post by Herwig Bauernfeind
I have no idea about the missing E: drive, I just checked the code there
is no hardcoded E: drive in it.
It was a CD drive that had no disk in it. Hence, it was never ready.
Post by Herwig Bauernfeind
Where is your OS installed, where does UNIXROOT point to?
Herwig Bauernfeind
2010-12-29 05:49:25 UTC
Post by James Moe
Post by Herwig Bauernfeind
Post by James Moe
drive. So I cannot tell if there are the root and guest accounts.
And smbd still quits after starting with the same log entry that it cannot
open </etc/printcap> for reading.
In sscc.exe menu "File", there is a menuitem to create a valid printcap
Okay, did that. No change. <smbd.log> stills claims it cannot open
<etc/printcap> for reading.
Post by Herwig Bauernfeind
I have no idea about the missing E: drive, I just checked the code there
is no hardcoded E: drive in it.
It was a CD drive that had no disk in it. Hence, it was never ready.
Post by Herwig Bauernfeind
Where is your OS installed, where does UNIXROOT point to?
AFAIK UNIXROOT must not have a trailing backslash...

